Quickly and quietly, Q and U became one on Thursday morning, when the students of first grade classes 1N, 1MV and 1V celebrated the “wedding” of the two letters.

The students had been studying the two letters for the past week, and ended with what has become an annual tradition at Tilford Elementary.

“This is way too much fun,” said one mother. “We never had anything like this when I was in first grade.”

Many of the students’ parents or grandparents attended the event. Mayor John Watson officiated the ceremony and even Principal Jim Murray joined in the wedding – and the dance.

Mrs. Sturtz’s fourth grade class also helped, with each one representing one of the letters of the alphabet.


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AM September 27, 2012, 7:11 pm This was a super fun and adorable event for the kids and the parents! Thanks to our wonderful Mayor for his participation in both the wedding AND the dance! And thanks to all of the teachers and kids for all of their hard work in putting this together! These pictures are GREAT!