The Vinton Garden Club member of National Garden clubs, Inc., District II, and Central Region met January 30, 2013 at the home of Joyce Bratten.
The guest speaker was Jeff Schadle, Conservation Lead Person for Vinton Ia. He gave a very interesting program on all the new trees planted and will be planted in the future after the big storm of 2011, and the different varieties.
At 2:40 pm Fran Stueck called the meeting to order. Members recited
the Pledge of Allegiance and the Conservation Pledge. Two members answered roll call with “what's your favorite tree.”
Secretary minutes were read by Treasurer Joyce Bratten. There were no corrections so it stands as read.
The treasury report was given by Treasurer Joyce Bratten.
A thank you note from the Tilford students for the winter outerwear donated by club members at the December meeting.
Cam made a motion for the Garden Club to give $20.00 each for our donation list. Joyce seconded the motion.
Members Cam, Joyce, Fran, Susie and honorary member Ted Stueck took the decorations down off the Christmas tree at Windsor Manor.
Cam Wood and Anne Dake completed the auditing on the treasury book.
Mackie Stueck the 2012 scholarship winner completed her 1st semester at UNI. She has submitted her transcript.
The program committee Rita Glimes and Cindy Pattee met January 25, at the home of Fran Stueck to make up the new 2013 program book for the club. The new books will be handed out at the February meeting.
The fair flower show schedule was sent to Roger Buhr to be checked and okayed. Fran went over the design section and working schedule ass the Horticulture section stayed the same.
Fran talked about the Winter Gardening Fair February 16 at Kirkwood Comm. College, lots of good programs to attend with a a keynote speaker.
Fran thanked Joyce for the snacks and having the meeting at her home.
The next meeting will be February 27, 2013 at the home of Fran Stueck.
Fran then adjourned the meeting.

Respectively yours
-- Joyce Bratten filling in for Secretary Connie McClintock.


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