Every spring runners dust off their shoes and hit the pavement. By changing the running surface, increasing mileage, beginning a new program, or breaking in a pair of shoes many develop new aches and pains. When we ignore these pains they often grow into injuries that limit your ability to continue working out. This is where we come in: physical therapy can help decrease pain associated with running injuries.
Physical therapists are experienced in treating leg, ankle, foot, and back pain associated with running. We will work one on one with you to develop a treatment plan to decrease your pain and allow you to return to running as quick as possible. Through our treatment sessions we educate you on why you have pain and ways to decrease it. By completing a home exercise program we teach you how to prevent re-injury by working on strength and flexibility. We also provide education on proper shoe wear so you can run comfortably. Our therapists were also recently trained in dynamic stretching and exercises which allow top athletes to perform at their maximum.
If you experienced a running injury and would like to be evaluated by a skilled Physical Therapist at Virginia Gay Hospital in Vinton call 319-472-6372 or Atkins at 319-446-7806 and schedule an appointment. We would be happy to evaluate you and provide treatment and answers.
Emily Thomas, DPT
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