VINTON: Scott Timothy Kirk, 50 of Vinton died Tuesday, September 28, 2010 from injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. Graveside Service: 11 AM, Monday, October 4, 2010, Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton with Rev. Kären Larsen officiating.

Scott was born August 10, 1960 in Los Angeles, California to David J. and Nancy L. (Simpson) Kirk.

Survivors include his mother, Nancy; daughter, Doris (Mike) Kaegbein; his sons, Scottie (Ashley Meredith) Kirk and William (Angie) Kirk; fifteen grandchildren, one brother and three sisters.

Scott was preceded in death by his father, David in 2009, and one brother Stuart.

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June 19, 2011, 4:51 pm Miss you Scotty, we were bestest buddies long, long ago.