Dear Editor,
So, here's the deal. There are 3,155,070 people who live in Iowa. Fifty-three of them have succumbed to the China Virus and that is very unfortunate. My condolences to their families and friends. The majority, if not all, had pre-existing conditions that made them vulnerable. That is 1 in every 59,530 Iowans who have died.
As of today, there have been 1995 cases in Iowa. That means 1 out of every 1,581 Iowan will be infected.
Those are pretty low odds.
On a side note, in 2018 (latest statistics available), 85 Iowans were killed by drunk drivers and 2,849 babies were murdered by abortion in Iowa in 2018.
How many people have lost their jobs and health insurance because of all this? How many small business will not open back up? How many kids will suffer the consequences of closing schools? Not just the loss of education but the exposure to poor home environments where the schools provided a safe place for them in the past. How many kids are not getting proper nutrition?
This is not about public health or "flattening the curve". It is about control and the government has seen how easy it is to make us their sheep. Wake up, people!
Tom Boeckmann
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Do you not know that this is the most contagious disease that anyone alive right now, has ever seen? Every person that gets infected, can give it to 3-6 other people if no mitigation is done. If you were to get the disease and give it to 3 people and they each give it to 3.
Before January 1, 2020, had you ever heard of a doctor dying from a disease that he/she was treating a patient for? There have been double digit accounts of that happening, just in the last 30 days. Nurses have died at a higher rate. Just in the last 30 days. The first person in the United States to die from this, died 47 days ago. Now, over 30,000 have died. That's with the mitigation that the government has suggested be done. There hasn't been a legal order in Iowa to do any mitigation, only suggestion. We started with only 10 cases here in Iowa. Yet, even with all of the mitigation, we have now had over 2000 known cases.
If life is returned to normal now, and a high percentage of the population goes with that, we will see a much larger problem within 3 weeks. We must wait until the new cases reaches zero, for consecutive weeks, before it's safe.
Sweden and Brazil did not shut down their economy and it looks like everything is going well there.
Remember, the vast majority of humans will have minor symptoms from the WUHAN FLU and recover. We do not need any more fear mongering! The national propaganda networks do a good enough job at that.