Dear Editor,
Darrin Lindsey . . . . I get it . . . you're a follower . . . a believer . . . you trust in those you choose to follow. I get it. You question nothing they say. You believe all that is laid before you. It's science after all!! There are many who follow that path. Honestly, I just can't . . . I can't.
Someone says that "It's the hottest summer on record!!!" . . . yet ignore that it was considerably warmer during the Roman and Egyptian expansions. The Norsemen discovered "Greenland" during their explorations . . . yet today that region is covered in ice. You easily dismissed in your mind the wines of Scotland because . . . "scientists, from all corners of the earth" . . .!!! No questions. No "Ya but . . .?"
In the fall of 2009, just prior to the IPCC conference, the computer system of the East Anglican University was hacked (suspicions were laid at the feet of the Russians since the data harvested were found on Russian TOR servers). I downloaded it and explored what was there . . . emails between "scientists" making sure that opposite views weren't published in scientific journals, Mann's Fortran program that he used to generate the infamous "Hockey Stick" showing a temperature rise - you could see the lines of code where he simply inserted various multiplying constants. And much more . . . much more. It was a very graphic display that much of the "science" wasn't . . . well . . . science.
Yet, folks like you can ignore this and simply stick to the phrase "but scientists say!!!"
How about our own climate champion AlGore??? According to his writings of the late 90s and early 2000s New York City, Miami as well as many coastal towns should be 20 feet under water. And yet, water is NOT halfway up the Statue of Liberty. In fact, the water level is little change from its installation in the late 1800s. Don't believe anyone - just look at photos from the late 1800s to today. Simply use your own eyes. Hummmm . . . how can that be?? Folks confidently say that with the melting polar icecap the polar bears and caribou are dying . . . yet the ice cap has set records for size in recent years, the bear's population has rising from around 10,000 in 1950 to nearly 40,000 today while the caribou herd numbers over 200,000. Hummmm . . .
Then there is just the personal decisions "knowledgeable" folks are making with the "sure knowledge" that it's getting hotter than been in human history and the oceans are arisin' . . . Obama is building a 30 MILLION dollar home ON THE SHORE of the Pacific Ocean. He purchased a 12 MILLION dollar home on Martha's Vinyard. One is actually
a sea level and the other is about 20-ish feet above sea level. A strange investment for property soon to be underwater - wouldn't you say?
As for your short riff on planetary history . . . EXACTLY . . . the PLANET changes. As does the planet's climate. Our only response can be to change with it. Eliminating fossil fuel use, using wind and solar, and rutting in millions of acres of earth for enough lithium to build essentially disposable batteries - will do nothing to change the long-term climate direction of the earth. BTW - seems "scientists" have defined "climate change" as a 30-year chunk of time. Really?? Just 30 years??? Then what about the 74-MILLION-year chunk of time the earth was entirely covered by ice??
Of course, you're covered by the "61 hearings" . . . yep, got it.
As for the whole cancer/politics thing . . . not even sure how that fits but I do have some experience with such occurrences. 40 years ago, I was sitting in a waiting room waiting for my wife to come out of surgery for "herniated ovaries" . . . it should have taken a short time. I was still waiting after a couple of hours. The Doc comes in and says something like "I'm sorry Mr. Keller, your wife has cancer and it's so wrapped around her nerves and veins I can't remove it. I'm going to explore some more and I'll get back to you . . . " as he turned and walked away. The science, the continual questioning, challenging, and trying various therapies allow me to sleep next to my wife every night even to this day - and NOT refusing to question and challenge what is "known".
20 years later I call her on the phone . . . "How'd it go???" she asked. "It's not what we wanted . . . I have cancer." And so started my journey. Yet, again, because of SCIENCE . . . here I am.
In both cases, we made decisions on parts of our treatments. We chose the path presented by the doctors based on our research, and my wife's knowledge as a pharmacist. Not just in blind faith - based on political beliefs??? Really, that's what you took away from my piece?? SMH . . .
My suggestion to you is to watch what folks DO . . . not what they say. Is Obama building on high ground? Is Al Gore grounding his aircraft and reducing his carbon footprint? Are office buildings moving from Manhattan to central Nebraska? If not . . . why not???
Peace Darrin -
Bill Keller
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This letter of yours has a lot of words in it, and yet still none of your data on how similar the last 50 years have been to so many other 50 year periods, of our planet. Let alone, your obvious lack of understanding the difference between climate and weather.
World data has recorded the sea level rise to be just a little over an inch per decade. Although, it shows an increased acceleration since the year 2000. Do you really want to claim that if this change isn't visible to the human eye, that it's not happening? At this rate, a house on Martha's Vineyard, that's currently 10" above sea level, will be in jeopardy in 100 years. You obviously don't care about what the earth is going to be like for your descendants, so why are you so concerned about a dark skin man's home, 60-75 years after he dies? As for the Statue of Liberty. Do you really believe that you can constructively determine an 8-9" difference in water level, by comparing photos that were taken 100 years apart? Especially, with the ease of photo manipulation today.
To me, it appears that it's you that has an issue with things that you don't like. And, you'll believe what anyone says, as long as it goes along with what you want them to say.
p.s. I'm anxiously awaiting all of the conspiracy theories about the administration of the search warrant at Mar-A-Lago.
I'm just curious. What are your criteria for accepting and then publishing submitted letters to the editor? I know you have posted guidelines, but what are the criteria? Again, just curious. Thanks!
Editor's Note: All letters and comments are welcome.