The Democrat Plan for America - D.I.E.

From the 1996 movie "Independence Day" -

President Whitmore: I know there is much we can learn from each other......if we can negotiate a truce. We can find a way to coexist. Can there be a peace between us?

Captured Alien: Peace...?? No peace.

President Whitmore: What is it you want us to do?

Captured Alien: Die. Die!

This is the call of the new Neo-Democrat party we see coming to power in our nation. They want our country which was founded under the tenants of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" - one that is currently a Representative Republic guided by a Constitution - to DIE!

I find I am "resistant" to that idea.

In recent decades - starting about the time of Carter's rise to power - our government has made a massive shift towards toward the "utopia" that is Socialism. His limp wristed approach to foreign policy lead directly to the rise of radical Islam and establishment of Iran as it's world seatas well as our dependence of Saudi and Iranian oil. Backed by billions of petrol-dollars from Saudi Aribia - Wahhabism has spread throughout the globe.

Carter's replacement by Reagan did much to correct America's path. Reagan's massive tax cuts led to the rapid expansion of our country's manufacturing and business base not to mention the development of the computer industry. His very strong national security positions and resistance to Soviet expansion directly led to the disintegration of the Soviet Union and brought about the reunification of Germany and an end to a decades long "Cold War".

All that said - the Democrat's long-term goal of a Socialist nation remained - and with the election of Bill Clinton, many of the foundational ethics of the Democrat Party were simply swept aside. From Clinton's "fire everyone" entry into office to his many "dalliances" and ending with Monica and being impeached in disgrace - the foundation of an ethical party devoted to the ongoing defense of America as founded crumbled.

The mask was entirely removed by the Democrat party under Obama. Just prior to the 2008 election Obama clearly stated his goal . . . "We're five days away from the fundamental transformation of the United States." Over his 8 years in office the march towards Socialism was unending and greatly enhanced by the late-night Christmas Eve 2009 vote to pass "Obama Care" - a bill disapproved of by a large majority of Americans and yet one that granted the government much more control of healthcare in the US and provided a giant step forward towards "Universal Healthcare". All the "benefits" of this bill have proven to be failures. Notably, health insurance costs increased - they did not decrease as promised. And healthcare availability decreased - it did not increase.

Yet the process of becoming a Socialist country rather than remaining America as founded did advance. Until it ran into a freight train named Trump.

Despite the never-ending fabrications laid bare by the Durham report and the cries of Russia!! Russia!! Russia!! - Trump, within 4 years secured our borders, made us a net energy exporter, radically increased the value of corporate America as a whole, radically reduced unemployment, increased home ownership and focused on his call to Make America Great Again and simply stormed into office despite the resistance of a Neo-Democrat Party now totally devoid of any moral or ethical guardrails.

The complete lack of any ethics or morals of the Neo-Democrat party were on full display during the 2020 election. And the advance of the D.I.E. philosophy has been on full display during the first two years of the Biden administration. We are living under a Neo-Democrat Party rule in which the far-left elements of our nation have taken complete control of the Democrat Party.

For me, I fix the far-left seizing complete control of the Democrat Party to August 9th, 2014 and the shooting of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson. While Officer White was cleared of any charges by a grand jury - the region simply exploded, and the narrative of racism exercised by officers was born. The rise of BLM and other radical leftist components find their birth in that event. This narrative and its fire have been fanned since that date and continues to this day. Add to that the election support of far-left DAs by George Soros and it is no surprise that large, Democrat controlled cities have descended into - in many cases - a daily living hell.

The question we need to ask ourselves is - Do we want this for the entire country??

A new tool has emerged to aid the tribalization of our nation by race - D.I.E. Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. Honestly, I have no issue with any of these terms - it's the perverse meanings that the left has attached to them that bother me.

When I was in college "diversity" was a central goal of every college. Diversity of thought. Diversity of ideas. Diversity of designs. Diversity of authors. Diversity of lecturers. Diversity was seen as a means to grow and to develop a path to help our nation and society to grow. Today, it means a single thing - are the "right" colors represented. Are the "right" ideas presented. And by "right" it's been made clear that only those accepted by the far left are "right" - all others are seen as a threat to our nation.

When I was in college - Inclusion was simply a given. Anyone, in any class I took, was included in the discussion. As I grew older inclusion never wavered - if aperson was part of a group, department, company that I was involved in, they were always included as was appropriate for the moment. Today "inclusion" has morphed into the idea that if you are in full agreement with the idea being presented and those ideas are inline with the far left Neo-Democrat Party - you are to be included. If not - you are to be canceled.

Equity has become a term that is, honestly, fully outside of any of my life experience. I was taught that the "best qualified" person gets the job - period. The left has, again reduced it to a matter of color. Are the right quantities of colors represented in the office, on the job, in the cockpit, in the unit . . . and if not, that needs to change. The truth is that we are simply not all equal. To expect the reader to solve an engineering problem with multivariate calculus is - well - ridiculous. The vast majority of individuals do not have the raw stamina or desire to invest the time and effort into learning multivariate calculus. Yet, the expectation is that the engineering field should be "equitable". In the UK a policy has been adopted that if you are white, you will simply not be hired as an airline pilot because there are too few minorities represented in the cockpits of the airlines. In the US this nonsense is being extended to the medical field. Which would you rather be operated on by- a doctor of the "right" color - or the doctor at the top of their class. Of course, the D.I.E. test is being applied to the admission to medical school as well - what could possibly go wrong.

Which brings us full circle when thinking about the Neo-Democrat party under the control of the far left. Their desire is to replace our Representative Republic that is guided by our Constitution with an Authoritarian Socialist Government where those that are in full compliance with the edicts of said government will be allowed to exist - and those who resist will be deemed "enemies of the state" and dealt with accordingly.

Elections matter. Do your homework. Consider what kind of country you want for your kids and grandkids. And pray that on November 8th of this year and in November of 2024 our nation chooses "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" rather than OBEDIANCE.

Respectfully - Bill Keller


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GB October 23, 2022, 9:18 pm Very well written Bill.
RB October 24, 2022, 2:32 pm Couple of comments from your article:

"Obama Care" - a bill disapproved of by a large majority of Americans and yet one that granted the government much more control of healthcare in the US and provided a giant step forward towards "Universal Healthcare". Really? Obamacare is well accepted by our citizens and we were luck to have it in place during the pandemic. R's recently voted against allowing medicare to negotiate prices, cap insulin, etc.

Reagans massive tax cuts led to huge deficits and expanded the wage/wealth gap in this country. It did expand the economy but most of the benefits went to the top 1% and the R's still are promoting trickle down. Trickle down has never worked for the vast majority of American workers.

Trump secured the border with a wall paid for by Mexico? The border has never really been secure and Republicans never want to talk about immigration reform.

Ethics? For God's sake! That was almost in the same paragraph as Trump!

Corporations? Used a huge percent of their massive tax cuts to buy back their stocks and actually downsized their work force. Then, they charged high prices, contributing to inflation, while enjoying the largest quarterly profits ever. I'd say they are taking advantage of our citizens.

Unemployment was quite high when Trump left office due to virtually ignoring Covid for much of 2020.

Clinton took over after Bush 1 left a recession and handed a balanced budget, even a budget surplus to Bush 2.

Bush 2 nearly collapsed the economy and we were shedding 700,000 jobs per month at the end of his term. Obama rescued the car industry and firmed up the banks and then handed 72 months of job creation to Trump while drastically reduced unemployment from the hole Bush left.

Biden was left supply chain shortages and unemployment reaching 10% or greater and has lowered it to the lowest level in 50 years. He's created 10 million jobs in less than two years. Never done before (well maybe Roosevelt, another Democrat)

The economic growth reached 6% under Biden in one quarter and we are still creating jobs. Gas prices have their origin to 2020 as well. Production dropped considerably and when Biden ramped up the economy demand soared. Don't have space to educate on supply/demand.

Then, of course, came Ukraine. We hit the 5th largest supplier of oil with heavy sanction (Trumps buddy Putin), Venezuela was already under sanctions, and now Saudi Arabia finds it a perfect time to drastically cut production. If you're looking for a conspiracy I think they, and Russia, would love to see Republicans back in power.
NG October 25, 2022, 12:26 am Socialism, socialism, socialism, republicans just love to throw out that word. It must make them feel good, they use it so often.

Isn't it funny how many socialist republicans there are. The republicans in congress vote against the bills that are meant to help the people of this country and then when the money is handed out, they suddenly are in love with that bill and want their constitutions to know what they did for them even though they really didn't. Republican socialist hypocrites.

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