To the Editor: This letter is written for the person or persons who are visiting thegrave of Steve De Witt and leaving a mess in the cemetery when they have left. We thought Steve had better friends than that. It may be true that the cemetery is in the country and isolated, but does that mean it is the place to party and leave your mess? Number one, we do not know of any cemetery where it is okay to leave glass on the grave, whether it be beer bottles or flower vases. It isnot appropriate because of possible breakage. You must not have seenthe sign posted on the gate explaining no glass allowed. Number two, it is disrespectful to all who go out there to visit with their loved ones and see what a mess has been left there, not once but three times. When we go out there to visit with Steve and reflect with him, we don't feel like cleaning up after someone who is so thoughtless of other people trying to deal with their own loss. If you'd like to go out and visit with Steve, even have a beer with him, just take your mess with you when you leave. Steve will know you were there without leaving the evidence for the rest of us. Would you be pleased if we were to go to a cemetery where you had loved ones buried and left a similar mess for you to clean up when you went out to visit? Steve was our only son and we are still grieving and trying to deal with our loss. We would appreciate it if you would please use your head, and grow up before you do the irresponsible things that have been done out at the cemetery. Signed, Bob & Jan De Witt
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