The City of Vinton is about to vote on and approve a roughly 200% increase in water and sewer rates. The average home (family of four) is currently paying around $80 per month, this is going to increase to $220.

Below is what I think are the facts behind the change. I'll admit that I am unaware of most City of Vinton dealings. I am only going off of information as I understood it from watching one meeting on YouTube and looking at past meeting minutes.

This increase is in order to pay for the financing of a project that is required by the DNR. During the meeting, the only options stated were whether or not the average bill will increase $140 or $160. The council stated that the project was planned and the engineer estimated the cost at $8.2 million. Bids came in and were discussed at the 11/27 meeting. The project was awarded at $12.6 million. The council stated that the plant is 40 years old but was built with a service life of 20 years. Our water and sewer rates have not been increased for years.
Originally I planned on speaking at tonight's meeting during the public comment section, but I know that anything I say in those chambers falls on deaf ears. Below are my questions and concerns.
First; why is this not a bonded project? The majority of city improvements are financed with property or sales tax. Why is this project different? Is the City reluctant to bond a project due to their goal of a new fire station, new recreation center, or new downtown apartments?
Second; why was the engineer so far off with the estimate and why was the City willing to move forward with the massive increase? If I leave the house to make a purchase and find it is 50% more, I reevaluate my need for said purchase thoroughly before shelling out the extra money.
Third; why was this not planned better? If we are operating a 40 year old system designed to last 20, why is that not our top priority? Why was this not brought up when planning new additions, replacing streets, implementing TIF districts, or applying for government grants?
Fourth; why were the residents given almost no notice of the increase? I don't go to the grocery store without knowing how I'm going to pay. This project was planned, designed, bid, and awarded before the funding was secured. This is a massive monthly increase for everyone in town. The way this project is funded is putting the biggest burden on the people most stressed about their budgets. Large families, inefficient houses, and renters will likely have a much higher increase than the "average" house.
The fourth point is my biggest issue. If I signed up for a subscription service that costs $140/ month without telling my wife, our marriage would be strained. If I used my company credit card to purchase software that costs $140/ month without letting my supervisor know, I would be fired.
The meeting to discuss the rate increase was held between Christmas and New Years, with voting to take place less than a month later. This is the political "lame duck" time of year. We had more notice and thought put into a sign ordinance than a change that will require a $2,000+ annual increase to local homeowner's budgets.
I'm tired of talking about my local government and using the term "unacceptable." Yet, it doesn't seem to be par for the course.
Kord Sellers

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VB January 11, 2024, 7:07 pm First off, if the bid is off by $4 MILLION dollars, then you obviously don't know what you're doing. Secondly, the council seems to not understand that they work for us. It's quite obvious that they don't care that it's our money they're spending, & how it's going to affect us. The fact that they slipped it in between the 2 holidays, hoping that nobody would catch it, speaks volumes. I'll will continue to repeat myself, they operate like a little D.C., & it's going to continue until we say enough is enough.
KG January 11, 2024, 10:23 pm To anyone that doesn't want to pay the huge increase in the rates voice your concerns! (I know I don't want to pay it.) To the city council! Is it to late to discourage this from passing?

Editor's Note: Unfortunately, the city HAS to have the upgrades, so there really isn't any way around it.
RE January 12, 2024, 9:40 am Why would the City not residents this project if it's over $4Mil over estimate? I understand they are saying we need it however shouldn't they be looking at other options if it's that over cost?
MR January 12, 2024, 10:03 am 200% INCREASE is EXTREMELY HIGH
KVR January 12, 2024, 11:43 am Another aspect you may want to consider (as I don’t live within city limits, so won’t be impacted) is if this will drive people out of Vinton? If it does, then the cost to each homeowner will need to be increased more to cover the project.
MA January 12, 2024, 1:01 pm La Porte City has the same issue as well. They have increased their sewer bill, and are now also applying a sewer debt charge on top of it. Currently the debt charge is $60 a month per account, and is rumored to increase to $100 in July. For both LPC and Vinton, the issue is due to rules and regulations that the DNR is requiring of everyone. While I don't doubt the changes are necessary, the government has provided no assistance financially.
DS January 12, 2024, 3:31 pm I watched the council meeting on YouTube this morning. The council said nothing about what the new rates were going to be. Why not? Looks like we will all have to wait for that first new bill to find out how bad it really is.

The City has been cited by the State Auditor many times for not providing the full text or a summary of the ordinances considered and passed as required by Iowa Code 380.7. To my knowledge, there has been no public mention, neither written nor oral, about what the average customer will pay under the new rates. You have to watch and listen to a series of work sessions then piece together the bits of information discussed by the council to get a rough idea of what the new rates will be. It must be really, really bad if they won't tell us what it is before they pass it.

The Council, and even the editor of this news organization, have stated that the "City has to have the improvements." That may be true. However, does the City have to keep its citizens in the dark about how much the Council's inaction over the last 16 years is going to cost everyone now?

Here is a statement taken from the City of Vinton YouTube page: "This is a channel dedicated to transparency of local government." I guess local government transparency does NOT include telling their citizens how much their water and sewer bills will go up before they pass the ordinance.
AJ January 13, 2024, 1:17 pm Kord, I truly hope you don't expect to be taken at your word with "what [you] think are the facts." That's what one would consider an opinion.

Where are your statistics coming from? Who is paying $80 a month for water and sewer service? Who will note that an increase from $80 to $220 is a 275% increase, not even close to the 200% you quoted? (Which is correct?)


Alex Jeane
KG January 13, 2024, 2:50 pm DS I agree. Come on council keep your citizens informed. Complete transparency. Your spending our money we have the right to know in advance of how much it will be. Also I disagree that this is the only way to pay for upgrades.. there are other options .. ???
KS January 14, 2024, 12:24 am AJ,

I completely agree that no one should take my statements as hard facts. I am unable to obtain the ordinances for viewing without a request, as such I’ve pieced together what I believe to be the case from a few YouTube videos and online comments. Below is current t/proposed

Water minimum: 9.75/10.25
Sewer minimum: 8.19/20.48
Water usage: 2.65/3.05
Sewer usage: 1.78/4.45

I recommend that everyone look at their most recent bill
To see how much the change will affect them. I believe the changes begin in March.