...the articles concerning the Candidate Forum.

At this event those that were present were able to get a better feel for the candidates that are running for office. I get asked a lot my opinion on who I'm voting for and I will tell you. However, in these three articles, I've done my best to print pretty close to verbatim what each candidate said using my poor quality audio.

In each of these three races, I look at them in several ways.

1) Who has the most experience?

In some areas experience is good, in others it could be bad.

2) Is it time for people to just retire?

Yes. It was obvious at certain points that the task just appeared to be too much. There were snippy answers at time. There were answers that made me raise an eyebrow, and other answers that veered from the topic.

3) Do I think the offices warrant a new face?

I am saying a definite probably. I will say this and try to make it sound exactly like I mean it to. Especially when it comes to our county, it has been blatantly obvious that we have so many issues. Yet there is also so much good.

We have probably the best dedicated set of workers around. Only a minority come to mind when we mention the county. Usually, it's our elected officials.

I don't know about you, but these are the people that operate because of our vote. In the last year, it has been crazy. At some point I'll have to do a story about the amount that you and I have put out just in legal fees to defend them.

I was feeling bad after the debate last week to go with my blanket thought, "If they've served in the county, DON'T elect them." My thinking was that putting a little time between employment and leading the departments you worked for is always good.

Then I was torn. I felt like one candidate completely understands how things work.

Then we had the meetings this week where a former elected official came in and wreaked havoc in the meeting.

I went back to my original thought, nope, time away is a good thing.

Now do I think that the newcomers to the offices will come in knowing everything? Absolutely not. Do I believe that they are able to get up to speed and lead well. Absolutely.

I felt almost sad to watch part of the debates/forum.

In this job, anytime I see someone who is in leadership acting condescending and above those they represent I get irritated really quickly. We saw that on Saturday. You'll pick that up in their words.

I was impressed with one candidate that I had never met before. I've never talked to them in person, but I can tell you that I hope this guy wins, I think he will. He was well spoken, articulate and he's led in government in other areas so he has a feel for what he's getting into on a larger scale.

The thing that most impressed me at the forum was that we had such great candidates.

I'm biased about some of them for various reasons, none would make sense to some of you. Some I think it's just an intuition thing, you know the thing that you can't explain.

But the thing that makes me most proud about this county is this. You guys all REALLY care. You've been paying attention, and it's obvious that we need to.

You are getting more bold to go to meetings and to ask questions. THAT IS A GOOD THING! You would not be surprised how often that term, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," is true. As I was typing that I realize that probably half of the readers won't understand what that even means.

But anyway, you guys are listening, you're watching, you're taking notes, you're asking all the right questions, you aren't being intimidated. We see how sometimes it doesn't matter, but sometimes it does.

Government should work off the voices of the people represented. When it's not, why have it?

So as you go to the polls on Tuesday, or if you take a trip to the Auditor's office before Tuesday to vote, don't think that you aren't that important to the process. You are.

Go and vote. It's "just" a primary, but it will thin down who we want on the ballot in November.

Vote after you've taken some time to do a little reading if you aren't sure. Educate yourself as much as you can. Then vote.


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AJ May 31, 2024, 1:01 pm your comments my have value, but I will not read with no name attached.

GS May 31, 2024, 1:29 pm Oh the irony AJ, yet you didn't sign YOUR name here did you?
TP May 31, 2024, 5:22 pm There's been a sign all winter, just east of Tilford Elementary School on E 13th Street here in Vinton that said "Re-Elect No One" It might have some merit.