Dear Editor,

Center Point-Urbana is among four Eastern Iowa school districts that will ask voters to approve a bond referendum on the November 5, ballot. With the Iowa legislature mandating "school choice" as part of our education system, it is more important than ever for schools to put their best foot forward at all times.

That being said, floating a bond issue is never easy and takes much planning. At CPU the planning began three years ago. A survey was sent to all community members assessing the district's strengths and its weaknesses as well as areas for growth. Using the results of the survey, a task force was formed, and began the work of creating a plan that would allow our district to remain at the top in academic excellence but also enhance what we offer young people.

The $20.6 million proposal would fund a 600 seat auditorium at the high school, security and entrance updates at the elementary and middle schools, a weight room with auxiliary space at the high school, and long needed improvements for the baseball and softball fields complex.

The bond referendum will not increase the debt service property tax levy for property owners. It would simply extend and maintain the same debt service levy that patrons have been paying for years. The CPU school district needs your support. It is time. Let's give our students the safety upgrades they need and the facilities updates that they deserve. Vote yes for the Center Point- Urbana bond on November 5.

Lindsey Otto


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