Usually by the end of the day, I'm in my jammies and settled in for a long night of work. It wasn't any different on Tuesday. I ventured out to check on a couple of things that I needed to look at and I swung by the skate center.

The lot was packed full of cars, which made me smile.

There was a line past the door. That made me smile.

I walked in to hear everyone visiting and laughing together. That made me smile. 

I went to the courthouse which had a string of voters who were exiting the door. That made me smile.

Cars were all over town coming and going, it felt a bit like a holiday out there. And that made me smile. 

Meanwhile, in Washington D.C. the city was preparing for riots. Businesses were boarding up. Portland, Oregon on the opposite side of the country is also in survival mode and boarding their stores up. The state of Washington had already called out the national guard. 

In Vinton, we all agree to disagree. We vote and life goes on. Yes, we all have our opinions as seen on this page, but hopefully, after Tuesday's election, we can all relax a bit, or a whole bunch.  We've seen through so many different scenarios that the state of our neighborhoods rely solely on us. The "government" doesn't make the country better, we do. We are what makes this country awesome.

Quite frankly all of the scare tactics poured out by the media trying to get us all to hate each other is pretty annoying. The idea that each side hates the other is quite frankly a load of, ummm smelly stuff. I see our community as a mix of a lot of sweet people. People that don't agree 100% with each other, if we did, that would be boring. Who wants to have friends that think exactly like you do? 

Nah, in Vinton, we've got this. We showed up to the polls, we voted, we high-fived each other and went home. Today we all got up, went to work, and life isn't any different. So let's all just relax, look out the window, smile at the neighbor and give them a wave. Whatever you do, don't let someone you don't even know tell you about the people in Vinton, ever again. 

After all, what do they know? 


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GB November 6, 2024, 11:35 pm Yes Val, life goes on and for the most part everyone will be just fine. I can't say that I miss the political commercials, I don't. Most everyone is glad to get back to normal with the confidence we will see a reality of logic and common sense.
Val, thank you for all that you do to keep everyone informed and always getting it right with reporting.
PK November 7, 2024, 11:27 am VAL...
AMEN!!! Let the calm settle down on us ALL!!!
Excellent response to OUR past Tuesday!!!
DW November 7, 2024, 12:52 pm Your articles make me smile. Well written.
LT November 7, 2024, 1:39 pm The FBI was monitoring the proud boys and organizations like that. That's why States put The guards on stand bye. I think that was smart. January 6th did really happen
GB November 7, 2024, 10:39 pm I'm sure they didn't monitor Antifa but I am confident they will in the next four years.
SG November 8, 2024, 1:45 am And it continues..gotta get off the tv and do a bit of research independently…j6 did happen with a lot of help from those who didn’t want Trump there and NOT his supporters who walked peacefully through the Capitol. Damage was courtesy of Antifa. The only deaths were a Trump supporter, not officers as continues to be reported, unless Trump causes strokes now too.
Funny how it wasn’t called a "mostly peaceful protest" like the burning cities across the nation who protested Trump.
Buckle up Buttercup…hell will break loose in DC on Inauguration Day because that's what your side does, and no one bats an eye over there...but as usual Trump will get blamed for it and any of his supporters.
And that my dear is why you lost, we're so done with the BS.
ME November 8, 2024, 4:31 am I'm sure they didn't monitor Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the Boogeyman, either.

LT November 8, 2024, 4:48 pm SG Friend, I'm so sorry I offended you with my stupidity of not doing any research. I'm sorry to tell you I have done a lot of research and I just don't believe the conspiracies as much as I do the news. As far as my side attacking the inauguration, what is my side? I'm not a Democrat. I not a criminal who would want to overthrow our government
SG November 10, 2024, 12:15 pm LT, I would guess from your take that you didn't vote for Trump. Conspiracy theories of late seem to be the uncomfortable truth just waiting to be proven. Do research outside the legacy media.
I don't mean to be unkind, but our independent news has moved to online sources. The latest "conspiracy theory" is that there is a fight to stop "fake news" online, meaning independent reporting. From newspapers to now TV the legacy media has shot themselves in the foot trying really hard to silence independent thinking.
Have you seen this clip? One of our local TV station is there...;_ylt=AwrEpa2s6DBndykMAnX7w8QF;_ylu=c2VjA3NlYXJjaAR2dGlkAw--;_ylc=X1MDOTY3ODEzMDcEX3IDMgRmcgNtY2FmZWUEZnIyA3A6cyx2OnYsbTpzYixyZ246dG9wBGdwcmlkA0ZfTDF4OHE1UkVlUnI0MlBRNm5nYUEEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzAEb3JpZ2luA3ZpZGVvLnNlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzAEcHFzdHIDBHBxc3RybAMwBHFzdHJsAzI3BHF1ZXJ5A21lZGlhJTIwc2F5aW5nJTIwdGhlJTIwc2FtZSUyMHdvcmRzBHRfc3RtcAMxNzMxMjU4Njc4?p=media+saying+the+same+words&ei=UTF-8&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av%2Cm%3Asb%2Crgn%3Atop&fr=mcafee&type=E510US1494G91810#id=4&vid=60957f163b1f1cf12ac319507d98e0a6&action=view
DC November 12, 2024, 9:59 am Yes, J6 did really happen. My Brother in law was there, a few blocks from the capitol. He saw 2 bus loads of people wearing Trump paraphernalia being escorted to the Capitol by State police. Do you suppose they were escorting the Proud Boys to the Capitol??? This is not a conspiracy Brother in Law saw it.

Dave Coots