"….truth embraceth truth…"

The book used in the church where Mitt Romney brags (in one of his earlier TV ads) about attending all his life includes those three words from the The Mormon "Doctrines and Covenants."

But in the most recent TV ad that that mentions Romney, truth gets kicked in the teeth.

The ad begins with a photo of a smiling President Barack Obama. "Why is he smiling?" asks TV Voice. "Because Newt Gingrich is winning."

The ad goes on to tell how horrible Newt Gingrich is, and how much better Romney would be. Then it tells us -- as required by law -- who paid for the ad. The ad, we are told is funded by Restore Our Future, Inc., and not paid for or endorsed by any political candidate or campaign."

Truth, at this point, letteth go.

Restore Our Future is a Political Action Committee created with one purpose in mind: To elect Mitt Romney.

The PAC is "an independent effort focused on getting Romney elected president," said Founder Charles Spies, who was the chief counsel for the 2008 Romney campaign.

A large part of the money used to start the the PAC came from a company called Bain Capital, which was once led by Romney. Many of the other donors were long-time Romney friends or aides.

So when Restore Our Future, Inc., says it is not endorsed by any political candidate, it is telling the biggest lie allowed by law.

The worst part about this ad is not that Romney supporters have no good things to say about their own guy; only bad things about his main opponent. The worst part is that their opinion of Iowans is so low that they think we are gullible enough to see this ad and think, "Wow, those people from Restore our Future really love America and want what is best. If they say Newt is bad, and Romney is good, then Romney must be very good."

There is only one proper response for any Republican who plans to vote in the GOP caucus Jan 3, and sees that ad: Caucus for someone else.

The purpose of this column is not to endorse or recommend any other candidate; almost every political ad contains laughable untruths. These paragraphs simply reflect my exasperation with Big City politicians who think Iowans are dumb enough to believe them.

Iowans are smarter than Charles Spies or any of those East Coast Romney Disciples can comprehend. It's no wonder Romney lost in 2008. As long as Romney has friends like that, he is his own worst enemy.


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b December 13, 2011, 12:14 am Doctrine and covenants is one book. The book of Mormon is a totally seperate book. That is the truth, embrace it!
t December 13, 2011, 12:23 pm I was unaware you speak for all Iowans. You must be very important.

And talking about lies, \"The purpose of this column is not to endorse or recommend any other candidate\" - endorsing \'anybody but Romney\' counts. So much for hypocrisy (I believe your entire rant was about the ad saying they did not support a candidate).
BG December 16, 2011, 6:41 pm Thanks for taking the time to research the origins of the organization paying for those ads. It\'s nice to see reporting that actually does research into such things instead of glorifying the candidates that are the opposite of what the country wants.