Recently on one of Neil Cavuto's shows a security executive explained how the "man trap" works. It would not matter whether a staffer were in the school or not. Video cameras and sensors would determine an unauthorized intruder and would be able to hear a gun shot (not a car backfire or other similar noise but a gun shot). Lockdown would be instituted by supervisors in a remote location and a 911 call initiated. Classroom doors and enterance doors to hallways would be closed and locked by magnets. The prospective shooter would be isolated until law enforcement could arrive. This is a great system and would work better, in my opinion, than arming school administrators (with either a firearm, pepper spray, tasers, etc.). None of the executive orders I have seen would prevent a shooter from going into a school and go on a shooting spree. It makes little difference if the magazine holds 10 or 30 rounds - lives would still be lost. Better security is the best answer. The only guaranteed outcome of the Pres's exec orders is that law abiding people would be the only ones affected! Regards, John Stiegelmeyer Vinton, Iowa 52349


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DC January 21, 2013, 10:25 am John

The man trap idea would at least be a place to start. We need to protect our children. The unemployment rate is the same as 4 years ago after spending trillions of dollars. It seems to me that our rulers in Washington could find money for this protection.

His executive orders are an attempt to make an end run around 2nd amendment rights.

If a drunk driver in Cedar Rapids hits and kills a bus full of children, should the government come take my car?

RG January 21, 2013, 3:56 pm A \"Man Trap\" is a device that banks use in their front lobbies that have double sets of doors. Not all banks have these anymore.

Basically the front door is locked when the first alarm button is pushed. The inside lobby door stays open for the person(s) to leave and then a secondary button or an auto button then locks that door trapping the person(s) between the doors.

Depending on the strength of the glass they stay contained there until law enforcement arrives.

Of course the employees can evacuate the building out of the rear or take refuge in a \"safe room\".

Schools also should have an intruder alarm system set up and tested on a regular basis just like they do for fires and tornadoes.
JS January 21, 2013, 8:13 pm Thanks, Russ:
A determination of risk would be ordained. But, as we have seen from the CONN episode this was probably a low risk school (target). Regrettably so was a school in Russia where Chechen terrorists took over the school and unfortunately many many were killed. The push is to do something, but lets think the deal through so that we tackle the problem and not necessarily the left wish to disarm us all. The worry of all law enforcement is the lone gunman that no one has on their radar, until that moment where the evil is unleashed.
DS January 22, 2013, 4:36 pm The Aurora, CO mass murderer went to the nearest theater that banned guns. For the murderer, that was a low risk target. Mass murderers are probably crazy but not stupid. Any business that bans guns is a low risk target for someone bent on killing. Every school without armed guards is low risk for a homicidal maniac.

I like the idea of man traps or any other security devices and protocols. Real security must be approached with a comprehensive plan that includes armed guards. Only then will targeting schools be too risky for mass murderers.
AB January 25, 2013, 1:04 pm Yes, rather than take reasonable steps to reduce the number of bullets flying around, we should draw more funds away from actually educating our students and put the money instead toward terribly expensive and ultimately unreliable technology to protect our children after the bad guys are already on site with weapons. Rather than hiring more and better qualified teachers, we should instead hire security guards, because the answer to flying bullets is more flying bullets.