The Vinton-Shellsburg Red Cedar Shooters trap shooting team have won their last 2 home meets. On Saturday, April 27, the Red Cedar Shooters hosted the Cedar Rapids Kennedy and Sigourney trap shooting teams at the Red Cedar Izaak Walton Chapter. A total of 55 high school shooters competed in the all day event, with the Red Cedar Shooters squads taking the top three scores for the day. Individual top shooter honors for the day went to Red Cedar Shooters’ Hunter Martin, with a 47/50 for the day. Lady top shooter honors went to Red Cedar’s Sara Jorgensen, with a 41/50 for the event. Team results were: 1st V-S Black 216/250 2nd V-S Red 189/250 3rd V-S Gold 186/250 4th Sigourney Varsity 172/250 5th Kennedy #2 165/250 6th Kennedy #1 157/250 7th V-S Orange 149/250 8th V-S Cedar 135/250 9th Kennedy #3 133/250 10th Sigourney JV 117/250 On Saturday, April 20th, the Red Cedar Shooters hosted Cedar Rapids Xavier’s trap shooting team. The Red Cedar Shooters defeated Xavier in every squad match-up in the day-long event at the Red Cedar Izaak Walton Chapter, with 59 high school trap shooters competing. Top shooter honors for the day went to Drake Tilson with a score of 46/50. Team results were: 1st Place V-S Black 207/250
2nd Place Xavier #1 199/250
3rd Place V-S Gold 188/250
4th Place Xavier #2 181/250


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