Every once in a while, there are computer issues that drive Wes and me batty. Well, I'm really not sure if drives HIM batty but it does me! For a few weeks, we were getting messages about a "File Not Found" error for some of the stories. The problem is that I needed to sit down and spend a few hours just comparing all the notes, the stories and other information to see if I could figure out where EXACTLY the problem was coming from.

At first, we thought it might be a coding issue with the website. So Wes popped the hood on the website and looked around, wiggled some wires, cleaned off the battery connections and thought we had it. But, of course, it wouldn't work properly. We scratched our heads, and took some more notes.

Yesterday, I was thinking it was our email connection. Then I wondered if it was a virus from my computer. Could it be email services?

Today, I was able to send the RIGHT clues to Wes and he found the problem in minutes! (that is IF you're reading this via the link in the "bonus email" that I just sent) It was a teeny little issue with a space. You know, the one between the titles "Events & Activities" and "Health & Fitness." For some reason those little spaces made the email say, "We are NOT going to let you read THOSE stories! So go to those two pages to see if you missed anything that you'd like to know about!

So this story is basically a test to see if we finally squished the problem...and it is attached to a "bonus email" to test our connections.

These glitches are a pain sometimes to track down and this one has been a pesky one! It's like taking your car to the mechanic and saying, "It's making a noise under the hood..." and then not being able to get it to make the noise while the mechanic is listening. So, if you read this, congratulate our tech guy on fixing the elusive problem, and tomorrow things will be back to normal!

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Mark Harrison Cancer Foundation Pepper Tournament Saturday, April 1

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JO March 28, 2023, 2:41 pm Thank you "tech guy"! The unseen hero!!
RB March 28, 2023, 2:59 pm First thought you two were playing with my mind. Thank goodness not the case!
SL March 28, 2023, 3:19 pm Thanks for helping to fix the problem, it's SO appreciated!
BL March 28, 2023, 3:22 pm Great Job! Keep up the good work.
HR March 28, 2023, 5:10 pm Thanks for the fix! I thought it was something on my end.
RJ March 28, 2023, 5:29 pm I had thought that it was me! Interestingly enough it wasn't doing it to all articles only just a few. Thank you for doing whatever it was/is you did! !
LD March 29, 2023, 7:39 am Thanks love the info.