Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Board of Directors

Vinton-Shellsburg Community Schools

August 16, 2021

Call to Order

Vice-President Kathy Van Steenhuyse called the regular meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. in the Middle School Library.

Roll Call / Pledge of Allegiance

Sue Gates, Kathy Van Steenhuyse, Jake Fish, Mike Timmermans in at 5:23 p.m., Becky Williams,

Tom Burke, Kyle Koeppen, Superintendent, and Brenda Barkdoll, Board Secretary/Treasurer were present

with the exception of Rob Levis.

Receive Visitor/Audience Comments

There were no visitor/audience comments.

Administrator Reports

Jim Struve shared an overview of student achievements and participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for the 2020-21 year.

Shelly Petersen shared information on enrollment, professional development, summer projects, and open house.

Ryan Davis shared information on enrollment.

Kyle Reeves shared information on training, open house, and enrollment.

Matt Kingsbury shared information on teachers first day, AIW representative, grading & curriculum alignment, PBIS, guidance work, at-risk information, enrollment, fall sports blow out, staffing, and open house.

Superintendent Reports

Superintendent Koeppen reported on Open Enrollment applications, enrollment, projects, New Teacher Day, IASB Convention in November, enrollment and the schedule.

Board Reports/Requests

Kathy Van Steenhuyse and Sue Gates shared information on New Teachers' meeting.

General Business of the Board

Consent Items

1080. It was moved by Gates and seconded by Williams to accept the consent items as presented. Motion carried 6/0.

Return to Learn Pandemic Review

Superintendent Koeppen gave an overview of the 2021 version of the Return to Learn Pandemic.

District Academic Strategic Plan

1081. It was moved by Fish and seconded by Burke to accept the strategic plan as presented. Motion carried 6/0.

Correspondence Items/Reports

- Student Activity Participation and Athletic Participation in Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities

- Student Success Achievement for 2020-21

- Kirkwood Concurrent Enrollment Form

- Summary of New Staff Members

Audience Comments

There were no audience comments.


Kathy Van Steenhuyse adjourned the meeting at 5:52 p.m.

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Kathy Van Steenhuyse, Brenda Barkdoll, Secretary



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