The City of Shellsburg is participating in an assessment concerning our housing needs. ISU Extension is facilitating this process and has developed a survey for our community. Broad community input is needed from current residents, anyone working in Shellsburg and prospective residents. The brief survey will take just a few minutes to complete, but your ideas and concerns are important and we encourage you to fill it out. The survey is anonymous and should be completed on line by March 30th. Results from the survey will be utilized by a housing committee who will create a strategic plan for addressing housing needs.

There are two ways to access the online survey. You can use this link or you can download the QR bar code from the attached flyer. (The flyer is also posted at many businesses and public places around Shellsburg.)

If you prefer to fill out a paper copy of the survey, there are some at the Shellsburg library, Shellsburg City Hall and Shellsburg Quick Stop. Paper surveys can be dropped off at city hall (108 Main Street) or mailed to City Hall at PO Box J, Shellsburg, IA 52332. Paper surveys should be returned to City Hall by March 23rd to allow time to be forwarded to ISU where they will be entered.

Your time and opinions will be very helpful to our community. We will appreciate your time in completing the study and making others aware of this opportunity for input.

To fill out the survey click HERE.
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