The Benton County Board of Supervisors called their regular Tuesday meeting to order. Present were Rick Primmer, Tracy Seeman and Gary Bierschenk.

Most discussion was held at the end of the meeting concerning a fifth week of vacation for long-term employees. 

Melinda Schoettmer, Benton County Treasurer presented her Semi Annual Report for approval. Discussion and hiring approval was given for the department for Jake Winsor to fill the opening in the Treasurer's Department.

Gina Edler, Deputy of Elections brought the resignation of Gary Benson as a member of the Auditor's office Election Temporary staff to the board for approval. She also discussed the need to use maintenance during set up of election sites and how the IT department is often used during the election. The Auditor's office reimburses the departments for their time. She asked for official approval to use the maintenance department employees as needed during election time making it part of their job descriptions , paying them out of the election fund. Edler explained that it would be more efficient to taxpayers as needed during election time. It had been discussed with the Maintenance Department who agreed that it would be fine to do this. The job description for Maintenance was amended to add  "election set up" as part of the official description. 

The VA/GA (General Assistance) Quarterly Report approval was tabled as it couldn't be located.

The Quarterly Reports of the Recorder and Sheriff's offices were approved.

An Application for Use of Courthouse Grounds on August 24. 2024 by the Vinton Kiwanis Club was granted.

The Supervisors moved to re-appoint Jennifer Kruetner as a member of the Vinton Library Board.

Danial Donley was appointed to fill Dean Vrba's seat on the EMS Advisory council for Mt. Auburn's representation.

Benton County Engineer, Myron Parizek received approval to sign a Purchase Agreement for$174 for a temporary easement concerning the bridge project on 28th Ave. in Benton County. 

Under Reports/Committee Meetings/Liaison, Etc.

Seeman reported on the EMS meeting, he felt that it could have been better attended.

New/Old Business

Barb Greenlee had requested an additional week of vacation time. Under the current handbook, it says that if you have been an employee for 17 years or more you only get 4 weeks of vacation time. With the hiring of an HR Department head last year who was immediately granted 4 weeks of vacation time in the first year and five weeks in her second year it resulted in unequal benefits for long term employees. Greenlee was asking for an additional week to be granted to all employees who have served for 17 years or more.

HR Director, Sue Wilber said she felt confident that those revising the handbook would be in agreement to do so but that it would take a few more weeks to complete that section of the handbook and bring it to the Board for approval.

Following a half hour discussion, Seeman suggested approving it, and figuring out the wording later. Bierschenck wanted to just approve Greenlee's request and approve the rest later. Primmer made a motion to put it on the agenda for the meeting on July 30th, and to have all of the information from the departments by then. That motion carried. 

With no further comments from the public, the meeting was adjourned.


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MR July 17, 2024, 12:15 pm 4 weeks vacation for employees that have been working for the County for 17+ years doesn’t seem like enough when you start a new employee at 5 weeks vacation right away! Adding a extra week for the employees that have been there 17+ years doesn’t seem like it’s enough when Sue got that after being there for a year.

Editor’s note: HR was given4 weeks IN the first year. 5 in the second…
SJ July 18, 2024, 8:03 am Who the heck starts a job with 4 weeks?? What job gives you a 5th week after a year? I think all the employees that have been there for 2 years should all go in and demand 5 weeks!!! That is ridiculous! Most jobs anywhere you have to put in 20 years before you get 5 weeks! What a freaking joke!
DC July 19, 2024, 8:31 am SJ

Don't be concerned. This money will come from taxpayers....

Dave Coots