Dear Editor:

I grew up on a farm and from my earliest years, I witnessed the mating rituals of cattle and hogs and other animal species. I never saw a transgender bull, boar, ram, cow, sow, ewe, or any other species. So, am I an outlier?

We have now a "woke" culture, what exactly does that mean? No one is exactly sure anymore, particularly of a generation that is in my age group. We have sub-adults who think they are of a sex they are not born to. We have adults and those in the medical field who are willing to transform the young (before puberty) to another sex they were not born to.

I am one who believes that if you are born with male genitalia or female genitalia, then that is who you are - make the most of it. I believe it is not correct to let youth choose another sex than what they are born to. Some who are of a different opinion have said that "God makes no mistakes". So do men/women make enormous mistakes in our normal path through life? I believe we do.

That is why Protestants and Catholics believe in reconciliation. We can be forgiven for our sins if we ask and dedicate ourselves to not repeat. To those who wish to change the sex of what is given at birth - wait; let your youth mature. Thoughts change as do attitudes. Wait. For the change they may ask for -given - may be unable to change - "now I know who I really am - female - male. Take the time to know yourself.

Blessing, God give grace

John Stieglmeyer

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DC August 17, 2022, 3:40 pm That question is way out of my league John. When a Supreme Court Justice can not answer the question, it's way above my head...

I'm sure there will be folks with the answers coming shortly.

DL August 18, 2022, 12:04 pm Why does it matter to you? I don't understand what these people go through. But, I don't need to understand their feelings. That's for them to deal with. As for the youth, their parents are in charge. Why do you feel like you need to judge other's ways of parenting? Stay out of their business! None of it affects you, unless you believe "big brother" is out to change all males into females and vice versa.

As for a Supreme Court Justice nominee. A Senate Hearing is nothing more than a job interview. In The United States, we have laws about what type of questions can be asked at an interview (I understand that those laws probably don't pertain to a Senate Hearing). Those questions must have something to do with the job description being interviewed for.

Other than, possibly a medical position, asking an applicant to explain what a woman is, is off limits. When Justice Jackson was asked this question, it wasn't that she has some Frankenstein type agenda, that caused her not to answer. It wasn't that she didn't know how to answer the question. The reason she chose not to answer, was because the question didn't pertain to how she would do her job, as a Justice. To think any different is childish, racist and reactionary.
NG August 18, 2022, 7:57 pm John, I grew up on a farm too and witnessed all the same things you did. Comparing the habits of animals to people makes little sense.

Woke nowadays refers to being aware or well informed in a political or cultural sense, especially regarding issues surrounding marginalised communities - it describes someone who has “woken up” to issues of social injustice.

If you are woke today you are aware of the murder of unarmed black men by the police, you are aware that many red states are making it harder to vote, you are aware that women are being treated as second class citizens because of not being able to make their own healthcare decisions.

I went to school with a girl who had a sex change operation but it was obvious from when she was very young that she was different. This was back in the 50's so she didn't have any options like kids do today. In many cases parents who are really involved in their children's lives know what is happening. Telling them to just "Make the most of it" is very demeaning to a young person. It means you do not accept them as they are. There is a lot of suicide among the kids in the LGBTQ community.

I have told people to be careful what you say around you children and grandchildren. They may come to you one day and say I am gay or she may bring her boyfriend to meet you and he is black or your grandson may bring his boyfriend home to meet you. If you have been very outspoken in your talk about these people you may be hurting someone you love and they may not come to you again. We are hearing about suicide in the LGBTQ community and it is young people. It also sounds like you are saying God made a mistake when he made them. That is as terrible attitude to pass on to a young person who thinks they may be gay or trans.

I think there are too many Christians in name only who are quick to criticize those they don't like and then say it is because of their religion. Religion is their excuse to be cruel towards people they don't like.

Norma Gould

JS August 18, 2022, 8:55 pm Lindsey --- Gould
The sex we have is what we are born with. The X Y determined that as well as our creator period....
GB August 18, 2022, 10:29 pm There are two (2) sexes. Males and females is all there is. That never came into question at any time in the history of this earth with any species. Of course Man (humans) had to jack that up along with most things God has given us.

John, you could submit a comment explaining why the sky is blue and there will always be the fools who will argue it is green or pink or anything that presents an opportunity to argue. Good stuff John. Please keep writing.
KG August 19, 2022, 11:54 am This subject bothers me more than it probably should.. I believe there are 2 sexes. Male, Female. What choices that are made by an individual is their business and I don't care about their personal choice. My problem is that it has blown soooo out of proportion! Why is it a political problem? Go by whatever you identify with but don't make it intrusive into everyone's lives by making political. Be who you are.. let me be who I am... let others be what they choose to be or believe they are.
Again just my opinion. Agree or don't but don't be mean to anyone.
TW August 19, 2022, 12:13 pm You are certainly entitled to your opinion, John. But why share it in this forum? How does this subject directly impact your life, other than make you uncomfortable? Sometimes I think it’s ok to just live and let live.

As you grew up and ventured out into the world from your farm, was there a subject you realized your parents were completely wrong about? I bet there was. The world changes and hopefully we change with it. And by change I mean we become more compassionate and inclusive. And if we can’t be those things, we should at least strive to do no harm. That may mean not expressing opinions about subjects that are sensitive and personal. You are a smart guy and you seem to like statistics, look up the suicide rate for transgender youth.

The definition of opinion is: A view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. It’s arrogant to me to think that we today know all there is to know about the human psyche or body. We are certainly exponentially more complicated than your average farm animal.
DL August 19, 2022, 1:43 pm Stiegelmeyer
Didn't you state recently that no science is absolute? Why are you now being absolute about a person's sex? Do you know what it's like to feel like you belong to the opposite sex that you were born as? As I stated earlier, I don't either. I don't understand how that feeling can come upon a person. Yet, despite the fact that I don't understand it, it happens. If you've never had that feeling, you're probably a superior human being then. But, the fact that you feel like you must share your judgement of others, with the all of public, might make you the opposite of a superior human being. Chalk up Luke 6:37 and Matthew 7:1 as more parts of the Bible that you condemn.
DK August 20, 2022, 3:22 pm Spot on John. Nothing has changed. When you're brought into this world you're either male or female. No judging going on here, that's just a fact.
AB August 20, 2022, 7:20 pm The simple answer to the title of this letter is "No one knows for sure except that we know there are two sexes and multiple genders, and too many people confuse those two things.

My suggestion is to educate yourself and pay attention to the experts, the doctors and scientists. Please remember that science is real, and is not defined by what is visible.