Dear Editor,
Not only is this happening but there has been an infiltration of boards of directors at many of the big banks to avoid financing companies with a low EFG score. Such as oil drillers, refiners, wholesalers, and retailers. I'm back in time to the forties when I was a toddler. We were able to get rid of kerosene lanterns for light and get electric lighting. Also retiring our horses for tractor power. Life was easier and more profitable. We can not survive without economical energy. For the most part that means Hydrocarbon fuels. Thus:

Glenn Beck joined Fox News' Tucker Carlson on Thursday night to discuss Visa Inc.'s "horrifying" new plans to flag firearm sales by separately categorizing purchases at gun shops, a move that Glenn aptly described as "the next step in banning guns."

In what's been hailed as a major victory for gun control activists, Visa agreed to adopt the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) new set of standards by creating a special merchant category code for gun and ammunition sales.

In his appearance on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Glenn shared a letter written by Robert B. Thomson III, a senior vice president at Visa, showing that the credit card company initially pushed back on the ISO's new rules.

"We believe that asking payment networks to serve as a moral authority by deciding which legal goods can or cannot be purchased sets a dangerous precedent," Thomson wrote in the letter to pro-gun-control lawmakers, including Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

Just days later, however, Visa had agreed to comply with the ISO's plan to establish a new merchant category code for gun stores. So why did Visa suddenly flip?

As Glenn explained, it all comes down to pressure from America's largest union-owned bank, the Amalgamated Bank, one of the only unionized banks in the United States and a proud proponent of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing.

"This is the next step in banning guns," Glenn asserted.

"It's horrifying!" Tucker responded after several seconds of stunned silence.

"I'm so grateful you did the reporting on this," he told Glenn. "I'm not sure why it falls to you since we have a couple of very large daily newspapers in this country you'd think would want to report this, yet none of them did. So, Glenn Beck did."



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AB September 29, 2022, 6:13 pm This is a move that does not affect gun sales in general, but can provide law enforcement with early warning of individuals building arsenals.

I'm not sure where your problem is with this. Are you against law enfocement having the information they need to do their job the best they can?

Also, you might want to avoid looking to fascists for your information source.
TB September 30, 2022, 1:05 pm I agree John! Just one step closer to a cashless society which the Dems have been pushing for. When that happens, they will control what we can purchase.
DL September 30, 2022, 2:07 pm I'm back in time to the eighties. "Where's The Beef?" Where does the notion of "the next step in banning guns" come from? Did the man from VISA say that? What was the previous "step"? I'll say this again... There are only two scenarios that could result in "guns" being banned in this country. The first one is; A Constitutional Convention taking place. In order for this to happen, 2/3 of the state legislatures would need to agree to its necessity. That's 34 states. Currently, there are 23 state legislatures that fall under the Red column, 14 under the Blue column and 13 are split. Democrats fall short, by 20 states, in being able to call for a Constitutional Convention. The second way for a ban on "guns" to take place is; for a dictator to be elected to the office of president. That dictator (Strong man) could use tactics to force the state legislatures to comply with the convening of a Constitutional Convention, and our Constitution being disbanded.

I know, with 100% certainty, that the latter will not happen with a Blue president. You can figure for yourself, how likely the former is to happen.

THERE IS NO "agenda" on the left of center, to ban "guns". The Blue side believes in the 2nd Amendment, just as the late Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in his majority opinion, in Heller v District of Columbia, 2008. "The 2nd Amendment is NOT unlimited". Doing absolutely nothing, over and over again, after American children get slaughtered by weapons intended only for military use, is the definition of insane! Change is necessary for a different result!
RB September 30, 2022, 2:36 pm I see nothing wrong with tracking gun sales. Only those that have a history of law breaking should be concerned. I'm a gun owner myself and have no fear of tracking a gun purchase. Of course, I don't have trouble with a waiting period or background checks either. Only those that should be worried about that SHOULD BE CONCERNED!

Still waiting for you to condemn Trump and all his lawbreaking John. lol Once again, If Obama had done 1/100th of what Trump has done you would be foaming at the mouth or your pen would be out of ink.
GS September 30, 2022, 4:04 pm Sir,
I hope you’re sitting down for this, but I agree. This seems very much like a ‘half-baked’ idea. For at least a couple of reasons. First and most obvious – it seems rather Orwellian, with Big Brother paying just a little too much attention to what someone is doing with their own resources. I will say I appreciated the heads-up from USAA when my oldest used her Dad-funded debit card to buy alcohol when she was in college. I’d know to text and say if you drink and drive or do something stupid, I’m three states away and will take my time coming to bail you out. I’m not sure the current standard will lead to much of an actionable heads up on anything. As a result, the standard needs to be refined. Say a family wants to buy a $2000 gun safe, I don’t think in its current configuration there would be any delineation between that ‘responsible’ gun owner’s purchase from that of a mentally ill 18-year-old buying a $2000 AK variant and ammunition to take to study hall. If you want intel on dangerous purchasing patterns this must be fixed. The fact is International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards are associated with about every transaction that entities make around the world so there is no hiding from them. The good thing is the ISO is a deliberative body and interested stakeholders can suggest changes and provide potential technical solutions for consideration. The problem is the NRA, Glenn Beck and the fascist stooge who interviewed him aren’t interested in deliberative thought or actions – they’d rather push the panic button of folks like you to raise money and increase TV ratings.
Glen Shepherd, VHS Class of ’81 and responsible military-trained gun owner
GB October 3, 2022, 11:18 pm It's a slippery slope. On the surface it sounds like a great idea. Yet it leaves a lot of room for abuse. Especially on the Federal level.
AB October 4, 2022, 4:11 pm Just got a letter from the NRA begging me to become a member, after having just purchased a handgun. I personally am much more comfortable with the government being aware of my purchase than the demonstrably corrupt NRA.
GB October 4, 2022, 8:36 pm Anthony, that is your personal choice to make but nothing is anymore corrupt than the Federal Government. Do you happen to know why the NRA was formed or what year? Just curious.
AB October 5, 2022, 4:03 pm I do know why the NRA was formed, and I know it has nothing at all to do with its current objectives.

You've stated exactly why I feel the need to own and carry a gun. I feel in danger from too many people who think the American government is more corrupt than corporate America, who think January 6 was democracy in action, who think Donald Trump and the congressional members who support him deserve our votes. The mental instability that such views must, of necessity, include is really terrifying, and way too prevalent.

This is not a Democrat vs Republican contention. This is rational vs irrational. This is American vs fascism, and right now I feel way outnumbered and outgunned by extremists who seem like they would feel more at home in modern day Russia than modern day America.

There are too many people who own guns in hopes of driving America away from democracy, and too few of us who see guns as a way to protect American values from the conservative wackos who want to usurp those values.

I'll only ever use a gun on a shooting range and to defend myself, but I am increasingly worried about the rising probability that one day soon I will find myself in a life threatening defensive situation that I neither expected nor looked for. There's too many people turning to mass murder to make an insane point, and too few people who are not OK with that.
GB October 6, 2022, 6:12 am Anthony, I did not say anything about January 6th, you did and yet you said nothing about the riots across the country that resulted in lives lost and billions in property damage that was left in the wake of these riots.
It's difficult to understand how one person could cite one incident and yet totally ignore everything else. It also identifies the problem and the problem is ignorance.
GB October 6, 2022, 10:07 am Anthony, you cite your concerns over too many people committing mass murder but I will point out that it is neither Republicans nor Trump Republicans who have committed mass murder. They were Democrats.
It is extremely rare that a criminal act with a firearm is committed by a person who is legally carrying a firearm. More often than not, it is someone who should not be in possession of one either because of past criminal offenses or mental instability.
You used January 6th as an example for gun control the majority of the press falsely reported people with rifles and long guns entering the Capital. I have yet to see any video that shows this. There is no evidence that I have seen that supports what was reported.
AB October 6, 2022, 4:21 pm Every mass killer (important distinction on its own, given the likes of Timothy McVey) I'm aware of its mentally unstable and their political views have absolutely no bearing on the situation, however much we personally would like to contend that it's all one party or the other's fault.

What is true is that when people say the American government is the most corrupt thing ever, that sets off alarm bells. It is a mindset that strongly suggests support of violent insurrection attempts like January 6 on the theory that if the government is that corrupt, a violent overthrow is rational and probably the only available option. In other words, to hell with voting because voters can't be trusted.

This is a mental approach that we all need to be careful of, watch out for, and be prepared to defend against. I don't care if the political motivation behind this sickness is liberal or conservative, because at its heart it's neither of those things. It's just a sickness that we need to do our best to address, but we also need to be cognizant that it is a sickness that has the potential to present a real danger to ourselves, our families, and our community.