Do you have a favorite Christmas song? One that you sing every year and it brings back memories, good or bad? I think that song, for me, would have to be “Oh Christmas Tree.” From singing it in choir back when I was in school, to singing it at church, or just singing along as it is played on the radio while driving.
Have you ever really thought about the lyrics of “Oh Christmas Tree?” “Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, thy leaves are so unchanging.” When I sing that song now, it has so many different meanings. Something that doesn’t change can be a good thing, like commitment, good service or a friend.
But what about things that do change? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? There are so many things that need to change in order to progress. Love can change; as we age, as our life evolves, as we grow up and mature. How about technology? I know a lot of you think the changing technology isn’t needed while others love it. The world sure changes every day. What about the price of gas? That is always worth a second glance as it increases or decreases and people sure do voice opinions either way it goes.
What about our town of Vinton? Some would say it hasn’t changed a bit, while others would say it has changed a lot. Yes, we seem to know everyone who lives in Vinton, after all it is a small town, but how well do you know them? How well do you know Vinton? Do you take pride in Vinton? Do you take pride in your neighborhood? I think we need to start thinking about that a little more. Start thinking about each other a little more. “I am so busy.” “We are all so busy.” I hear that phrase all the time. I say that phrase all the time. Why are we too busy that we can’t pick up a piece of trash on the ground downtown? Or help someone in our neighborhood with shoveling their snow? Are we really that busy?
So many things can happen to pull our town together; a death, a flood, a wind storm. But what can we do on a daily basis to bring our town together? What changes can we make so that we have a strong community that embraces change while remaining unchanged? I think we all need to ask ourselves, do I take pride in my community? Am I involved in my community? Without pride and involvement, the town of Vinton will remain unchanged and will not grow. And I am not talking about growing in size. I mean growing in heart, caring, friendship and respect. A small change in each of us can lead to a big change for our town and our community.
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