The Iowa Economic Development Authority’s (IEDA) Downtown Resource Center assists communities around the state in revitalizing their downtowns or commercial districts.

This summer, staff of the Iowa Downtown Resource Center will facilitate several downtown forums to bring together community leaders interested in engaging in a discussion about their downtowns.

Iowa Downtown Resource Center staff will facilitate discussions and give brief presentations related to downtown development. The focus will be on downtown design issues such as building rehabilitation projects, incentives, maintenance programs and streetscape projects.

Attendees will have the opportunity to network with other downtown leaders and are encouraged to bring and share examples of successes in their downtown (photos of projects, marketing pieces, or other visual examples). Come prepared to discuss specific questions relating to downtown design issues available for download at:

Downtown Forums are FREE to attend, CLICK HERE to select the location and date of the forum you plan to attend.

June 7 – City Park Bandshell - Lakeview Room, 10 N Lakeview Drive, Clear Lake, Iowa
June 8 – Kirkwood Community College, 111 W 3rd Sreet, Vinton, Iowa
June 21 – Albia Chamber of Commerce, 18 S Main Street, Albia, Iowa
June 22 – Chamber Community Building, 407 W 5th Street, Carroll, Iowa

Schedule for Downtown Forums: Keeping up Appearances
9:00 a.m. Introductions
9:15 a.m. Community Share: What’s Going On in your Downtown?
10:00 a.m. Presentation: “Appropriate Rehabs to Save your Downtown”
10:45 a.m. Tour of host community’s downtown
12:00 p.m. Lunch on your own
1:15 p.m. Constructive thoughts: What did you think of downtown in host community?
1:30 p.m. Downtown Resources & Incentives
2:30 p.m. Discussion Group: “Downtown Appearances”
3:30 p.m. Questions & Comments
3:45 p.m. Adjourn


Jim Engle, Director - Iowa Downtown Resource Center
PH: 515.725.3058 | Mobile: 515.360.1674


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