EMC Insurance Companies has announced its 2011 "Leading Partners" and has distinguished Three Rivers Insurance of Vinton, Iowa is one of the highest-performing EMC agencies in the country, placing them in the top 15 percent of all EMC agencies nationally.

This annual award is based on key indicators including retention, profitability and growth, which are reviewed over a three-year period.

EMC developed its signature "Agency Performance Value" (APV) tool in 2005 to measure an agency's performance against all other EMC agencies nationally. Agencies are evaluated on loss ratio, premium volume, policy and premium growth, policy and premium retention and the position of EMC within the agency.

Three Rivers Insurance is a full service Independent and Trusted Choice Insurance Agency, offering quality Home, Auto, Health, Life and Business insurance from its location in Vinton, Iowa. For more information about the agency, visit http://www.ThreeRiversIns.net.

EMC Insurance Companies is a property/casualty insurance carrier headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa. With assets exceeding $3 billion, EMC is one of the largest property and casualty entities in Iowa and among the top 60 insurance entities countrywide. Approximately 80 percent of the company's business is in commercial lines, with the remaining 20 percent in personal lines. EMC is celebrating their 100th Anniversary in 2011. To learn more, visit www.emcins.com.


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fpw February 4, 2011, 12:33 am Comgratulations Dave, Deb and Ashlyn.
Way to go!