When: May 24, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Lunch Provided
Where: Marengo Public Library, 235 East Hilton Street, Marengo, IA 52301
Contact: Peter Hoehnle
Iowa Valley RC&D
920 48th Avenue
Amana, IA 52203
Phone: 319-622-3264
Email: peter@ivrcd.org
Did you know there are federal and state agencies and other groups in your county that can help you farm more productively, while protecting the soil resources on your farm? These groups can provide you free technical assistance, as well as financial help, to make changes to your farming operation.
You are invited to attend an informational workshop to learn more about the help available from the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and associated programs for your farm. The meeting is hosted by the Iowa League of Resource Conservation and Development in partnership with the NRCS. The workshop is especially designed for Iowa producers and landowners who may not be aware of the benefits of conservation planning or how to access USDA-NRCS programs.
By attending these workshops, you will learn about programs and services available to farmers and producers (defined as farms with at least $1000 in agricultural sales) that typically may not have information about or access to USDA programs and those available through the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. This includes programs and services available for smaller, specialty crop producers as well as more typical farm operations.
The agenda will include program information, presentations from participating farmers, as well as an opportunity to make future appointments or sign up for program assistance.
Pre-registration is required by May 21st if you are interested in attending this workshop. By pre-registering you will be provided lunch and the opportunity for limited mileage reimbursement. Please bring the location of your farm or acreage along with you and a map if you have one available. Please call or email the key contact person for registration forms.
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