February 7, 2023
The Benton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with Supervisors Seeman, Primmer and Bierschenk present. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. at the conference room at the Benton County Service Center. Members of the public were provided the zoom access capability to join in during open session and livestream at https://www.youtube.com/bentoncountyiowa. Unless otherwise noted, all actions were approved unanimously. Summarized Resolutions will be available in the Auditor's office and at: www.bentoncountyia.gov ( https://www.youtube.com/bentoncountyiowa)
Primmer moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the minutes of January 31, 2023. Motion carried.
Primmer moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve payroll checks numbered 142719 through 142735, ACH Deposits 51971 through 52114, vendor checks 245193 through 245199 and claims numbered 245200 through 245342. Motion carried.
Primmer moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the appointment of the following deputies in their respective offices:
Attorney: Tim Dille and Megan Hall
Recorder: Marla Roster and Katelyn Welper
Treasurer: Rose Sackett, Joy Wieditz, Jodi Bonar, Ann Stephens, Beth Geater and Ariane Geiger.
Bierschenk moved/Primmer seconded: To approve farm exemption application for Brian Pippert in part of the NW ¼ of Section 33-86-12. Motion carried.
Bierschenk moved/Primmer seconded: To approve farm exemption application for Tyler Ebnet in part of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ & NE ¼ SE ¼ of Section 27-85-9. Motion carried.
The time of 9:15 a.m. having arrived, and this being the time and date for a land use hearing for Tanner and Lyndsey Davis in part of the SW ¼ NE ¼ of 22-85-10. Tanner Davis, Mark Dulin, and Matt Dulin was present, along with adjoining land owner Shane Marzen. Marc Greenlee presented the technical information with the Benton County Agricultural Land Use Preservation Ordinance. Greenlee stated the land is not in production. Davis would like to change 6.08 acres for a new residence. There is no existing driveway, the bank needs to be cut down for driveway. This location will need a new well and septic. The required notifications were sent to the adjacent landowner's and published in the official newspapers. Greenlee received 2 phone calls prior to the meeting with questions. Marzen concerns are that he bought his property 4 years ago and there were no houses in the area, now there is 4 new houses, he doesn't want the area to become a housing development. Mark Dulin raised concerns on the driveway and who's property it was on, the area the house will be built on has an electric fence, so it's misleading stating it's not in production, it's a pasture, "it's not there to keep the weeds out". Matt Dulin questioned Davis if the driveway would be tapered or would it have a retaining wall. Davis stated he is having it tapered and looking into it with a professional to have the water divert away and not cut into the farm ground. Other conversation was discussed about the area not being turned into a housing development. Hearing no other further comments, the public hearing was closed.
Primmer moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the land use change for Tanner and Lyndsey Davis in part of the SW ¼ NE ¼ of 22-85-10. Primmer-yes, Bierschenk-yes, Seeman-no. Motion carried.
Jane Drapeaux, Hawkeye Area Community Action Program (HACAP), presented their FY 24 Budget Proposal along with providing an update of the services that are offered.
Primmer moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve Resolution #23-7, Employee Status Change for Jeff Harnish in the Sheriff's Office from part-time to full time effective February 13, 2023 at the hourly rate of $24.48. Motion carried.
Primmer moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve Resolution #23-8, Hiring Jade Schmitz as full-time correctional officer at the Sheriff's Office at the hourly rate of $19.70 effective February 7, 2023. Motion carried.
Bierschenk moved/Primmer seconded: To approve hiring Wanda Hinshaw as part-time food service/kitchen staff at the Sheriff's office at the hourly rate of $17.53 effective February 7, 2023. Motion carried.
Bierschenk moved/Primmer seconded: To approve hiring Courtney Meyer as a part-time communications specialist at the Sheriff's office at the hourly rate of $19.70 effective February 7, 2023. Motion carried.
Engineer, Myron Parizek, discussed with the board during the last snow storm they had a snow plow engine blow, the engine was already rebuilt once. Parizek has looked into a replacement and it would affect his FY24 budget request. Parizek stated there is 2 plows he was looking into; 1-Mac for $231,680 that would be available at the earliest August, 2-Freightliner for $215,007 but wouldn't be available until January of 2024. Parizek is looking into the Mac since he would get it sooner. He is looking at increasing his equipment budget from $545,000 to $750,000.
Parizek told the board that he met with Shive Hattery on the 61st Street project and to go ahead with the proposal and to survey and to present concepts.
Supervisor Seeman gave the Board an update on the Norway tower project, the foundation is done, there is no delivery date on the steel at this time.
Primmer moved/ Bierschenk seconded: To adjourn. Motion carried.
Tracy Seeman, Chairman
ATTEST: _________________________________
Gina Edler, Deputy Benton County Auditor
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