Join Zoom Meeting 85652302745

Or attend in person at the Central Office Board Room 1502 C Ave. | Vinton

Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order2. Roll Call / Pledge of Allegiance3. Receive Visitors / Public Comments4. Benton County Historical Society Presentation5. Difference Maker Presentation6. Administrator Report7. Superintendent Report8. Board Report / Requests9. General Business of the Board1. Consent Itemsa. Agenda & Minutesb. Financials & Claimsc. Contractsd. Open Enrollment Requestse. Travel Requestf. Fundraising Request2. Policies - 1st Reading3. Business Manager Replacement Transition Plan4. Substitute Pay10. Audience comments on any of the preceding items11. Correspondence Items12. Adjournment

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Hello, Iowa House District 84 from the State Capitol!


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