Tuesday's Board of Supervisors Meeting began with the removal of item six on the agenda, a public hearing concerning an appeal of Ordinance #37, Vicious Animal Ordinance Brian Pisch due to technicalities for the time being.
The agenda, minutes and claims were approved.
Barb Greenlee, set a land use hearing for Tuesday, June 4 at 9:15 a.m. for Paul & Susan Phillips as part of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼, Sec 4, T84N, R9W.
A discussion was held and approval given concerning credit card changes for Public Health. A grant was given to Public Health for $7,000 a request was put in to raising the credit card limit through the month of May. The board approved this to run through June for the purposes of using the money. The limit is currently set at $2,000. Permission was given. Also, a request for a change of address as well as the name on the Secondary Roads credit card from Doug Kerns to Deb Cummings and then to change the address to the P.O. Box.
Karen Kurt of ECICOG (East Central Iowa Council of Governments) gave an update. She said that the organization is fourfold in its approach. They plan for the future a regional planning agency. The create Economic Development plans for our region, comprehensive plans for communities, transit and transportation plans and watershed plans. Secondly, they locate and write grants for state and federal resources then manage the grants. The third area they deal with technical services that deals with nuisance enforcement working in Newhall, Van Horne and Shellsburg. This also includes building inspections in Shellsburg. The last area is regional collaborations. They also help if there is a disaster in the area. They help with State and federal funds. This has kept them busy in the last few years. Overall, they received $17,000 from Benton County in return, the organization has brought in $4 million in grants for Benton County.
Kathleen Van Steenhuyse was recognized as her service as the Chair for the last five years and 10 years on the Board before that. Van Steenhuyse shared "I have really enjoyed working with the staff and supervisors and private citizens over all these years with ECICOG. It is amazing all of the things that they do." She shared the need for housing following the tornado that came through Vinton. ECICOG was able to help the families to fill in some of the gaps with around $30,000 to residents who were displaced.
Kurt also recognized Supervisor Tracy Seeman for his service on the board as well.
The Van Horne Fire Department came before the board to discuss obtaining LOSST funds for the department a few weeks aga. The department requested funds to gain equipment for recharging air tanks in the amount of $5766.10 which is 10% of the cost. The board approved the resolution.
A Class C Retail Alcohol License was given to The Tipsy Traveler's LLC on June 8-June 12, 2024 and June 29-July 3, 2024 as well as a Class C Retail Alcohol License for Traveling Tapster LLC on June 21-June 25, 2024.
Yearly reports from ARPA and LATCF were acknowledged and filed.
Permission to use the courthouse lawn for Vinton Park and Rec Department during Party in the Park, June 27, 2024 and October 26, 2024 for Halloween was given.
Reports on committee meetings were shared. Seeman reported that the west side entrance cement has settled down about an inch. A quote for $520 will be given to raise that section to prevent a tripping hazard for the elderly.
Under New/Old Business/Public Interest Comments a question was asked if there were any outstanding legal cases against the county, Seeman answered that there were none that he knew of.
Sue Wilber, head of the HR Department, also clarified items in her budget. The training is not for Wilbur but for the county and includes seven sessions as recommended by Jones and Linn County. Awards and Recognition was another department with an increase. Wilber said that she's working on a policy to recognize staff. IT software went for $0 to $45,000 and IT said that they only have $2,000 in their budget for her. Personnel benefits increased because it was only budgeted for a single person and Wilber needs them for a family plan.
Sheriff Ron Tippett, reported on the new radio system. The towers are now all up, there was training yesterday on the operation of the new handheld radios and issued them, documenting if there are any problems. Tippett described the handheld radios as a computer in hand. The radios were tested in basements and other locations they felt would test them. There were only two locations they found that it didn't work one was in a steel building. He said that they are well above the 95% coverage that the county was promised. The new system will then be used countywide.
The meeting was adjourned.
Photo credit: Hayley Rippel
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