May 1, 2024

The Benton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with Supervisors Bierschenk and Seeman present. Supervisor Primmer attended via phone and called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. at the Benton County Service Center. Members of the public are invited to join in during open session or watch the livestream at Summarized Resolutions will be available in the Auditor's office and at:

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the agenda. Voting aye were Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Primmer seconded: To approve Resolution #24-40, Approving hire of Alisha Stach-Lorange for the First Assistant County Attorney at a starting salary of $122,797.20 effective June 3, 2024. Voting aye were Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Primmer seconded: To Adjourn at 1:04 p.m. Voting aye were Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk. Motion carried.


Richard Primmer, Chairman

ATTEST: _________________________________

Hayley Rippel, Benton County Auditor


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