Watch live at; 1-646-931-3860 Webinar ID: 843 6462 2647

  1. Call to order and roll call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approve agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    a. Receive & file Council work session & meeting minutes of July 11, 2024
    b. Receive & file Library meeting minutes of June 12, 2024
    c. Receive & file Airport Commission meeting minutes of June 19 & July 17, 2024
    d. Approval of special class C retail alcohol license for McBride Mobile Taps (07/26/24, 08/09/24, 08/23/24)
    e. Approval of City invoices
  5. Receive and file communications & petitions or remonstrances
  6. Committee Reports
  7. Citizen's Input (Council will not take any action on public comments at this meeting,
    but may do so at a future meeting. Please limit your presentation to 3 minutes.)
  8. Old Business
    a. Approval of resolution approving third amendment to tower and ground space lease between City of Vinton, Iowa, Landlord, and USCOC of Greater Iowa, LLC, Tenant
  9. New Business
    a. Request for consideration of Partial Release of Judgment (John Fischer), and potential action
    b. Update from S&J Sanitation
    c. Approval of resolution approving sanitary sewer easement plat and permanent public utility easement agreement
    d. Approval of resolution approving data breach response policy for the City of Vinton
    e. Approval of resolution approving disaster recovery plan for the City of Vinton
    f. Approval of resolution approving temporary public utility easement (VanDeusen)
    g. Approval of pay estimate #5 to Woodruff Construction for WWTP
    h. Approval of change order #1 on Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements
    i. Approval of quote from Iowa Pump Works for Old Main Lift Station
    j. Approval of quote from Quality Excavating Incorporated for Anderson Creek street lighting
    k. Approval of quotes for materials for Anderson Creek street lighting
    l. Approval of annual disbursement for Vinton Unlimited for FY25
    m. Approval of annual disbursement for Vinton Community Foundation for FY25
    n. Approval of special events application for Boomtown 5k
    o. Approval of special events application for Boomtown
    p. Approval of special events application for Boom-Fest
    q. Review request for preliminary and final plat for Alliant Energy
  10. Reports
  11. Good & Welfare
  12. Closed Session as permitted by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(j):
    a. To discuss the purchase of real estate where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property. (Potential purchase/acquisition 1)
    b. To discuss the purchase of real estate where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property. (Potential purchase/acquisition 2)
    c. To discuss the purchase of real estate (Permanent and Temporary Easement) where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property. (Potential purchase/acquisition 3)
  13. Return to open session pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(3)
  14. Potential action related to purchase of R.E. (purchase/acquisition 1) as discussed in closed session.
  15. Potential action related to purchase of R.E. (purchase/acquisition 2) as discussed in closed session.
  16. Potential action related to purchase of R.E. (Permanent and Temporary Easement) (purchase/acquisition 3) as discussed in closed session
  17. Closed session as permitted by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c)
    a. To discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation.
  18. Return to open session pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(3)
  19. Adjournment


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