The Benton County Supervisors met on Tuesday morning.

With the agenda, minutes and claims approved the meeting moved into other business.

Shelby Williams discussed and received approval to sign a REAP Grant Application. Discuss was held concerning the old Animal Shelter Property owned by Conservation. If it sells the discussion was held concerning where the money would go. Williams suggested using the proceeds as matching funds for more grants. The property is owned by Benton County Conservation. The sale of the property was approved to go into Conservation to be put toward Wildcat or Rodgers Park projects.

She reported that all of the tech positions have been filled and will begin working August 5th.

The supervisors authorized a signature for Single Federal Audit that will take place in February.

Dean Vrba, Benton County Emergency Management, submitted a P25 Radio Project Conditional Acceptance Document for approval which was granted.

The General Assistance Quarterly Report was also approved.

ECICOG also submitted a bill concerning a tree grant.

Mona Onken also discussed and sought approval for the Access Hub Contract and Rate Sheet. She explained that the contract would change next year with the rearrangement of the program. Approval was granted.

Hayley Rippel discussed and approved committed funds resolution in accordance with GASB 54. She explained that these funds are committed toward projects over several years.

Reports: Bierschenk said he will have meetings this week and Seeman met with the landfill last week.

Tentatively, August 12th work will begin north of Shellsburg, unless the contractor is delayed again. In that case paving east of the Oak Grove Church will begin first.

Myron Parizek, Engineer received approval for Project BROS-CO06(123)-8J-06 a bridge replacement on 26th Ave. Dr. in Taylor Township, located a mile east and north of the quarry. The project will be fully reimbursed to the county for the construction. The projects will take approximately two months to complete. A resident present at the meeting asked Parizek questions about making a smooth transition between the road and his driveway. When the DOT diverts traffic on the rock roads, they will ask for a quote from a contractor for dust control, it is applied and then the county is reimbursed for it. The state decides which areas are treated. Intersections were of biggest concern at the time rather than resident.

At the 11:00 a.m. meeting Secondary Road hired Dan McKenna as the Maintenance Superintendent for Secondary Roads at $31.75 per hour.


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