Health And Fitness
Safe Sitter Class offered at the Vinton Public Library

November Words on Wellness
Attached you will find the November 2024 Words on Wellness (WOW) newsletter.This edition features:Eat Protein for Aging WellRecipe for Beef StewPoultry Food SafetyMotivation to Move Check out upcoming human sciences events on the calendar --
Domestic Abuse Survivor Gives Hope to Those Struggling
Last month marked 5 years since I left an abusive relationship. It was one of the hardest but worthwhile things a person can do.On average it takes a person 7 times to leave an abusive relationship; and when I finally left for good, it was my 6th and final attempt.I was blessed to have such a village around me to help and that's not something that everyone in situations like mine have.
Donate Blood at VGH Clinic Conference Room Tuesday, November 26
Donate Blood at a LifeServe Blood Drive and know that your gift will support Virginia Gay Hospital directly. Your local blood donation makes a big difference!Donations will be collected at Virginia Gay Hospital's Clinic Conference Room on Tuesday, November 26 from 11:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. The hospital is located at 502 N 9th Ave., in Vinton.Appointments are encouraged by calling, 800-287-4903, text LIFESERVE to 999-777, or visit the website at www.
LifeServe Blood Center is excited to announce its participation
in The We Give Blood campaign, a first of its kind nationally. To address the greatest need for
blood in a generation, Abbott, a global leader in blood testing, and the Big Ten Conference are
teaming up to host the first college conference-wide blood donation competition.
Students, fans, and alumni of any of the 18 member schools are encouraged to visit a LifeServe
Blood Center donor center or mobile blood drive to donate blood now until December 6, 2024.
ASAC Celebrates Its 46th Anniversary
The Area Substance Abuse Council (ASAC) officially marked its 46th anniversary on October 18. Originally founded as two separate agencies addressing alcohol and drug use in the Cedar Rapids area, the two combined in 1978. Today, the organization operates 14 locations across seven counties, serving patients throughout Iowa, promoting brain health and providing substance use and problem gambling prevention, treatment and recovery services.
Donation from the Esther Hite Estate allows VGH to purchase EKG Equipment

SafeSitter Essentials with CPR Saturday, November 16

Series of 8 weekly Yoga Classes offered at the Vinton Public Library

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Iowa Resources and Support