
Bethlehem Lutheran members remember ancestors as they celebrate 100th year

Bethlehem Lutheran members look at photos in which they appear during previous church anniversaries. Bethlehem Lutheran church will celebrate its centennial on Sunday June 9, 2013, with a worship service and a congregational meal. There will be an open house for the public on Monday, June 10. It was June 10, 1913, when 47 members signed the charter that established the Swedish Evangelical Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Those 47 people had good Swedish names like Anderson, Carlson, Bengtson, Gustafson, Hanson, Hoakanson, Johnson, Monson, Olson, Peterson, Bostrom, Lonn, Lindberg, Roseberg, Rosenquest, Sarin, Sevendahl and Skoog.

Presidential Awards: VSMS students receive honors

Former VS Middle Schoo. Mike Timmermans was the special guest at this year's Presidential Award ceremonies. Several students received Excellence or Achievement Awards. Click the links below for complete lists. Achievement Excellence

Trees for Kids and kids for trees; many planted at Tilford, BC Nature Center

Laura Wagner of the DNR Trees for Kids program explains the basics of tree planting. Two separate tree planting projects resulted in scores of trees being added to the Tilford campus and around the Benton County Nature Center last week. First, Laura Wagner of the Iowa DNR Trees for Kids program helped Mr. Frazier and Tilford students plant trees near the outdoor classroom.  Then on Saturday, many area 4-H members and leaders helped the Benton County Conservation Board plant trees around the Nature Center and its outdoor classroom area.

Missing cat: Vinton

This cat has been missing in Vinton since Saturday. Fluffy, an 18-year-old cat, has been missing from First Avenue in Vinton since Saturday. If you see Flurry, please call the owners at 319-981-5532

Karl Smith leaving VSHS Band Department; to lead MS band at Independence

Karl Smith, shown during a December pep band event in Independence, is leaving VS to teach there. Karl Smith and Dave Lang -- although their bands have been competing against each other for years -- have been the best of friends. They have congratulated each other several times when the two bands finished first and second in contests. And they stood side-by-side directing combined VS-Independence Pep Bands twice during this year's basketball season.

End of Year Party: Tilford PTO, students celebrate

Music by the Schmidt Family Band (and dancing!). Getting soaked from the nozzle of the Vinton Fire Department's large truck. Refreshments. Face painting. Animal balloons. All this and much more was part of the TIlford PTO End of Year Party Thursday evening at the school.

Band Extragavanza/Art show highlights talents of VSHS/VSMS students

The annual Vinton-Shellsburg Band Extravaganza and Middle School Art Show took place Wednesday evening at the Middle School. Amy Sharar and her art students welcomed parents and the community to see the projects they completed this year. Mrs. Sharar said that this year's new projects focused on "right brain" artistic thinking. This included self-portraits in pencil and drawings of flags.

Lab found near Keystone

This big, young lab was found roaming Keystone looking for his home. Please contact the Keystone Vet at 442-3452, ASAP, if he belongs to you. Thank you.

My owner is lost!

You did it for my friend Roadie yesterday, can you do it for me today?? I'm missing my family too! I go by Heffner (or sometimes Hefty Heffner) at the shelter and I'm a really sweet, calm guy. I was picked up by animal control near Van there anyone out there that may know where I belong? If so, please email VintonShelter@yahoo.

VS School Board hears update from FFA, Elementary Data Team

  The VS Schol Board met in regular session on Monday, May 13 prior to the vocal concert.  Highlights from the meeting include: ·        Three students from the FFA chapter and Ms. Fleming provided an update to the board concerning their work on the goals they had set for the 2012-13 year.