On June 11, 2013 the Vinton Shellsburg FFA chapter had four girls go to Kirkwood Community College to participate in Floriculture and four girls go to participate in Horse Judging.

In the Floriculture event, members participate in six different areas: floral arrangement, plant ID, math and problem solving, general knowledge, greenhouse production, and pesticides and application, as well as a team event that is done at the end.

The horse judging event consists of halter classes, riding classes, questions, oral reasons, and tack ID.

The awards received that day are as follows:


Jesscia Alderson, Emily Cashman, Hannah Seitz, and Sydney Walker—5th Place Floriculture team -- Gold

Emily Cashman-- 6th Place individual

Horse Judging:

Stephanie Auen, Tiffany Auen, Sadie Novotny, and Meranda Sanders—21st place-- Silver

Overall we had a very good and fun day of summer CDE’s and look forward to it again next year!

Emily Cashman



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