New Vinton-Shellsburg High School Band Director Nick Waymire (who played in the mellophone section of the Hawkeye Marching Band) is wearing black and gold again.

This time, the West Des Moines native and recent U of I graduate is leading another band of black and gold. Waymire is the director of the Vinton-Shellsburg High School bands.

At Iowa, he was a section leader and was part of the band when it went to Florida to play during the 2010 Orange Bowl, where Iowa defeated Georgia Tech.

Band camp began this week, as Mr. Waymire and section leaders are helping band members learn the new routine. This year's theme is "Pop Goes the Evil."


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TP August 8, 2013, 3:40 pm Welcome to Vinton, Mr. Waymire. Best of luck to you and your students. (Please note that the youth at our school is your \'students\' and nor your \'kids\'.)