Fifty years ago today -- Friday, Nov. 22, 1963 -- Vinton residents were among those who received the shocking, horrifying news of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The following Monday, approximately 350 people attended a memorial service at Wesley United Methodist Church, where Rev. Phillips led those attending in praying for the country and trying to make sense out of the dizzying events of the preceding three days.

Friday's afternoon and evening newspapers had contained headlines announcing the assassination; Monday's headlines announced the death of the assassin.

Like Dec. 7, 1941 and Sept. 11, 2001, Nov. 22, 1963, is a day that most people can tell you where they were and what they were doing -- and even what the weather was like 0--- when they first heard the awful news.

Here are a few comments from some of our friends and neighbors about what they remember:

"I was going into Don't Holmes. Class, on the second floor of the then seniorhigh school, The intercom came on with the news that the president had been shot. And had died. Such hushed voices blanket looks. Unbelief. Each day seemed like weeks long. Rick was watching TV when Ruby shot Oswald.

-Betsy Fischer Hadley, Vinton Class of 1966.

"We were in PE class at Washington High School. Coach Larry Fett came in and told us....everyone was in shock.....they brought a TV into our next class and we watched in total silence....we couldn't believe it."

-Carolyn Gavalas, Vinton Class of 1967.

"I was in the 5th grade at EastSchoolwhen we heard the news. I also saw Oswald get shot and then the very poignant and sad day of the funeral on Monday.

-Rosemary Schwartz

" I was in PE learning to dance with Vicky Usher when we were told . We all were crying even the teachers. It seemed so dark and gloomy for weeks. It still bothers me . What if this had never happened ????

-Tim Fuchs Class of 1972

" I was standing in study hall which was also the cafeteria in the basement of Washingtonhigh school and it was raining outside and Twila Vennamen told me someone shot the president."

-Denny W. Powers

"I remember that day vividly. I had just celebrated my eighth birthday earlier in the month. I was in third grade, and being it was a Friday all of us school children were anxious to complete the day and get out of school for the weekend. I remember sometime after noona male voice over the loudspeaker asked that all teachers please come to the office. Our teacher excused her self and asked that we would please stay in our seats when she left the room. Moments later we could hear outside in the hall many voices and much crying. My classmates kind of all looked at each other wondering as to what might be going on. Our teacher walked into the room crying and trying so hard to get the words out. She said, "President Kennedy has been killed in Texasby an assassin. We will be dismissing class immediately!" We all just sat there stunned, not really knowing how to process this tragedy, or what to do next. Quietly we gathered our belongings and our jackets and left the school building. I remember walking out with friends and we all said we were going to get the guy who did this. That's eight year old bravado for you. When I got home my mother was sitting in the living room with the television on and crying her eyes out. I tried to comfort her, not really knowing how to so at my age. Since that time I've read some of the conspiracy theories. I've seen documentaries, and saw the movie JFK. Do I believe Oswald acted alone? Not really. I think he had help. Whether he was the only shooter...I think he was. Guess we'll never really know for sure.

-Ron Fink, Waterloo

Click HERE to see the Day of Remembrance Proclamation from President Obama.


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MR November 22, 2013, 10:07 am I was in Vietnam going through a coup-de-tat with the President and Vice President of South Vietnam being assassinated on 2 November 63 in which some say was orchestrated by the CIA. I remember then that a Major told me that if we could stand by and let this happen here, don\'t be surprised if it doesn\'t happen in our country and on 22 November 63, JFK was assassinated. I had thought that it happened on the 23rd since we were a day ahead.
DJK November 22, 2013, 8:27 pm I remember it just like it was yesterday. I was a sophomore at Alden Community School. I was in typing class and our Principal came over the intercom and announced that the President had been shot. We were all in shock and a little time later they announced for everyone to come to the gym. They draped a black cloth on the American flag and announced we would be going home as soon as the bus drivers could get there. I don\'t remember what was said other than our President is dead. It was just shock, a lot of crying and silence. We were glued to the tv for the next few days. Many people were watching when Oswald was shot. It was so unbelievable. Something I will never forget.
SA November 23, 2013, 1:09 am I remember that day and the days following very well. I was in sixth grade at Hoover Elementary in Cedar Rapids. We had just come in from noon recess when the story began to break. My class had a substitute teacher that day who handled the class very well as she talked us through what had happened. Everyone was in complete shock.