Fund-raising for the track and turf project at the Karr Athletic Complex has progressed, and the V-S district now needs less than $100,000 more to fully fund the resurfacing of the track and the installation of field turf.
In a letter sent today to supporters, school leaders said more than $1.1 million in funding from school PPEL funds and private donations, leaving just "$95,000 to make this project a reality for our students at Vinton-Shellsburg."
The project includes resurfacing the track, along with drainage and concrete work designed to keep water away from the track during heavy rains. The artificial field turf would be available for every day use by VS PE classes, athletic teams and the marching band.
What to do about the project will be the topic of a special meeting at 6:30 pm. Monday, Nov. 24. The school board will discuss options and funding, and review bids received earlier this month.
Project summary
Below are some of the details about the project, and answers to frequently asked questions, contained in school publications about the project:
Vinton-Shellsburg CSD has made a commitment to the students in our district. The Vinton-Shellsburg School Board has committed over $600,000 from the PPEL account towards a renovation project that will replace the track, grass field, and drainage structures. An additional $200,000 of private funds have been raised and we need $400,000 more to make this project a reality for our students and community.
This first class facility will have a positive impact our students and community with benefits such as:
•Physical Education classes- Daily usage of every High School student during each PE class offered •Fine Arts programs – Marching Band practice and competition events •District Cost Savings- Over $10,000 annual savings to the school district in maintenance and costs •Soccer- High School and Youth Soccer practice, games, and Saturday tournaments •Football– High School and Youth Football practice / games •Track Program - Improved Track surface and Field event areas for our Track athletes •VPRD- Numerous Community and Youth Activities •Safety- Safer playing surface for Football and Soccer athletes (fewer concussions and ACL injuries)Frequently asked questions:
Where is the money the school has contributed coming from?
A: The Physical Plant and Equipment Levy money, which can only be used for facility improvement, busing, equipment, safety, etc., NOT for teacher salaries or additional positions
When are the anticipated start and end dated of the project?
Start - May 18th, 2015
Completion - August 17th, 2015
How will this project effect water drainage?
For maximum efficiency, a sub-terrain 15” tile (compared to the existing 8” tile) will be used to improved drainage concerns
How can I make a donation?
Fill out a brochure and send it to the school. Brochures can be found via clicking the link below.
Click HERE to see the most recent update from VS leaders.
Click HERE for a printable donation form.
See a video of VSHS educators and community leaders sharing their reasons for supporting the project below:
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Editor\'s Note: The complex has been named after Don Karr for many years in honor of his support of Vinton and VS athletics.
There may be benefits, but I do think the supporters of this project should refrain from using any false data to support their goals.
Also, the \"Daily usage of every High School student during each PE class offered\" is a bit of a ridiculous claim as well. Weather is a major issue for large portion of the school year, and PE classes will have to allow enough time for all of the students to walk to and from the locker rooms to the field.