A local women’s group will recognize students who have beat the odds to succeed by graduating from high school while living in foster care, living on their own or who are homeless, and who may not otherwise be able to celebrate their accomplishments. It is anticipated that the group will help three to four Vinton Shellsburg graduates this year.

The group’s goal is to help the students receive the things typically associated with high school graduation such as senior pictures, invitations, cakes and refreshments for their celebration, as well as items needed as they transition out high school and head off to college or their first apartment. Businesses, churches, organizations and members of the community can help celebrate an outstanding achievement by these students by giving a gift, providing a service or by making a monetary donation.

Nationally, only 54% of foster youth will graduate from high school, and less than 2% will go on to college. Most not only suffered the loss of their biological family but most have had multiple foster homes, moves, changes in case workers, friends and schools. On average, foster kids will move six times between Kindergarten and 12th grade.

Statewide, approximately 420 youth “age out” of foster care each year and according to Iowa Aftercare statistics, 56% of youth exiting Iowa foster care report $0 monthly income. Youth aging out of foster care often lack natural supports that other youth receive from family.

One foster youth that participated in a similar program in Waterloo commented that when she left foster care, she didn’t realize all the things she needed to get. She was provided with what she needed while in foster care, but when she had to leave at age 18, it dawned on her that she couldn’t take the foster parent’s pillow, alarm clock or blankets with her. Another young man realized he didn’t have a suitcase to move his clothing in.

This is the second year for this initiative in the Vinton-Shellsburg school district. Some members of this group have participated in similar initiatives in other school districts for several years and have noted that one of the most surprising discoveries has been the high number of students living on their own while in high school. Last year, all of the V-S graduates that participated in this program were living on their own.

For more information, please contact Erin Monaghan at 319.241.1817, Heidi Schminke at 319.472.4543 or Barb Rego at 319.472.3034.


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