On March 3, 23 Vinton-Shellsburg FFA Chapter members went to Hawkeye Community College to compete in various events at the Sub-District level.

This year, at the FFA Sub-District, Vinton-Shellsburg FFA members competed in every available CDE. The results from Sub-Districts this year are:

Ag Broadcasting- Amanda Burkey, Silver

FFA Creed- Meredith Glynn, Silver

Public Speaking- Dawne Schminke, Silver

Extemporaneous Speaking- John Eden, Silver –Alternate to Districts

Parliamentary Procedure- Jearid Andrews, Ben Eden, Kayla Schneider, Olivia

Walker, and Keri Webster, Silver

Job Interview- Riley Ries, Silver

Ag Sales- Drew Wiley, Bronze

Conduct of Meetings- Colton Evans, Logan Grabin, Wes Haefner, Ethan Horak, Jakob Long, Katie McGee, and Madeline Moen, Silver

Chapter Program- Jessica Alderson, Dylan Gaeter, and Sarah Siglin, Gold- Advancing to Districts

Greenhand Quiz- Meredith Glynn, 16th place

Chapter Farmer Quiz- Riley Ries, 2nd place; Katie Isbell, 4th place; Sydney Robertson, 8th place; Keri Webster, 22nd place; and Ben Eden, 26th place.

All of the members did a great job while having fun during their CDEs! It was a great day; members met people from other chapters, had a meal in the college lunchroom, and watched other chapters compete in different CDEs.

- Jessica Alderson and Katie Isbell, FFA Co-Reporters


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