Okay, I know that MOST of you are tired of hearing the mantra, "We are NOT a NEWSPAPER" and know that it means we are JUST here online.
Bear with us a minute.
Over the last few months we've heard, "I wish they'd run more of your stories in the newspaper!" We still get a chuckle out of that, and think, "Ummm okay, perhaps it's time to again say something???"
Now it's not YOUR fault that you associate Dean with that ancient form of news gathering called a newspaper, because granted, he's been in the news business for, yikes, almost a quarter of a century and most of those years were at a newspaper....until...the invention of the internet, and this wonderful, most awesome, the Rolls Royce of websites, called Vinton Today.
Anyway, when we say we are online only, we mean, WE ARE NOT ASSOCIATED IN ANY WAY...with a newspaper...and when we say that, under our breath we add, "THANK GOD!"
We are FREE...er, I mean freestylin'. We're JUST online!
If you are looking for Dean at any newspaper office, he isn't there anymore! He ran out the door screaming 5 1/2 years ago and hasn't looked back. (well, he wasn't actually screaming, it was more of a low growl!)
Quite frankly, since leaving the doors of the newspaper, Dean has been a much happier sort of guy.
A few months ago, I remember sending a note to the smart fellow that designed this amazing, awesome beyond awesome website, and I told him simply, "Thank you for making MY life easier! If Dean was still working at the newspaper, our home would not be the happy place it is today...and that's because YOU designed and created this website into being. THANK YOU Wesley!"
I know you all get tired of hearing how the Karr's saved the Close's by saying, "Here do what you do on OUR website" but seriously folks, there are very few days that as the wife in this partnership I don't thank God for this opportunity.
So to those of you that didn't know Dean is ONLY online, it's okay, you aren't the only one!
Now you know where to find your news...it's not in the newspaper, it's here!
It's the same with Dean, You know now where to find Dean, it's HERE, NOT in the newspaper!
***Now how do I convince everyone that if you need to advertise something happening that we do that here as well, where it's seen, shared and you get more bang for your buck??????***
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