Congrats to our Alyssa Bunge (Vinton-Shellsburg HS) and Davia Herger (VSMS) on being accepted into the High School Mixed and Middle School Girls Conference Honor Choirs for the North Central Division of the American Choral Director's Association. The North Central division is made up of six states; Alyssa is one of only 44 HS sopranos and Davia on of 60 Altos accepted based on their audio recorded audition. This is a very big honor. Both girls auditioned in October. The conference is in February in Sioux Falls, SD. Please congratulate them!
Davia Herger will also be representing VS at the state level for OPUS Honor Choir next week in Ames.

These students are not only talented, but continually work for excellence as they build their skills, take advantage of new opportunities and show positive leadership in our VS Choirs


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