From a Choral Reading tribute to William Shakespeare called "Will Power," to humorous exerpts from "Shrek the Musical" to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" to serious prose and poetry about cancer, teen suicide, sexual abuse and the role of women in society, the Vinton-Shellsburg High School Speech students earned high marks from judges.

The students shared their Division 1-rated performances, including several that were selected for the All-State event, Sunday afternoon at the Vinton Palace.

All-State honorees included: Lindsey Miller, public address; Caleb Kruckenberg, musical theatre; Gracie Horst, prose; Celia Turner, poetry.

The cast of the one-act play entitled "The Smell of the Kill" was also an All-State selection. Also, it was one of only eight acts in all of Iowa chosen to perform at the All State Festival in Ames on Feb. 20th. Only 8 schools are chosen to perform their One Act Play. Members of The VSHS One Act Play are: Abby Scheel, Lindsey Miller, Celia Turner, Alex Dick & Kyle Jorgensen. This group represents the very first V0S One Act Play to perform at All-State.


VSHS Speech Directors Eric Upmeyer and Le Cox and VSHS play director Marcy Horst presented several awards.

Honorees included:

Rookies of the Year: David Steele and Gracie Horst,

Director’s Award: Kyle Jorgensen;

Best Thespian: Lily Horst;

Best Senior in Speech: Celia Turner;

Best Actor: Caleb Kruckenberg;

Best Actress: Abby Scheel.

Several students received their Thespian letters, and Mr. Upmeyer also honored the Debate Team for its work at the State contest.

See more photos HERE.

See all of the performances on the VS Cube video page HERE.


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