The Vinton-Shellsburg High School roll-out of computers will be different this year. All registered students entering grades 9-12 at VSHS will continue to get a computer for the 2016-17 school year. Based on feedback from the past three years we have changed HOW they will be getting them. Please see the schedule below and contact Kim Meyer with additional questions.

Returning Students Grades 10-12

Due to parental and community feedback, we adjusted when and how returning students will receive their computers. We feel it is necessary to review information with both students and families just like we review other agreements/information on an annual basis. We will try a “video approach” this year where I will send out the informational video in early August. Parents will sign a waiver when they come with their student(s) to check out their laptops stating they watched and agree to the information in the video. Students may come anytime between 10am and 6pm
August 22 - 10am-6pm HS ICN Room -- application and payment in Hub

Most paperwork will be done through eRegistration and only an online application form will need to be completed this year. After viewing the video and filling out paperwork, all registered (eRegistration complete and fees paid) students and parents will be able to receive their computer, bag, and accessories.

At least one parent/guardian AND the student must attend his/her grade level assigned event in order for the student to receive his/her computer. Students will not be allowed to take the computer home until the parent/guardian has attended an orientation (9th Gr/New students only), both the parent and student have signed the necessary paperwork, and paid the necessary fees ($50 Damage Loss Co-op/15 Hours Community Service/$71 Insurance Option). Students will only be allowed to check out a computer for use at school until all of these items are complete. There is no guarantee that it will be the same computer each day so these students will be required to keep track of their own files. Again we will offer a 15 hour Community Service option in lieu of the $50 Damage Co-op fee required for participation.

Community Service hours are due September 1 (Completion May 1-September 1 for all 9-12 students). Students new to the district have up to October 1 to complete the hours.

This year we are also offering an insurance policy that parents/students can take advantage of. The district will hold the policy and the families will pay the individual premium. By the district holding the policy, students have a reduced rate of only $71 annually. This policy will cover almost everything from damage to theft to natural disasters. More information will be available at roll out nights.


No participation

No assigned computer.
Check out available in the LMC



Community Service

Accepted May 1, 2015-September 1, 2015 only.
Take home rights. If not completed by September 1, computer will be kept at school until the hours are completed or fee paid.

Strike system also applies to repairs.


Co-op Fee

Take home rights. Money goes into co-op fund for repairs. Strike system also applies to repairs.


Insurance Option

School holds policy. Student/Families pay individual premium. School handles paperwork and repairs. Coverage is on annual basis. No additional fees for repairs.

IF you have a student who is not able to attend on his/her assigned date, please email Kim Meyer,, or call her office, (319)436-4728, ext 5604 by August 15. We will hold alternative sessions as needed after these original dates. It is not necessary to call or email otherwise.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kim Meyer, or Brandon Farmer at or call the high school office, (319)436-4728, ext 5700 (after Aug 3).

If you have not been able to find the link to the video in the eRegistration parent permissions the link is below.

Please view this video before coming to Roll out between 10am-6pm on the 22nd.


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