COVID-19 has done quite a number on the country right now, and schools are being affected by it as well. Scrambling to find a Plan B for education to submit to the Department of Education, the schools must come up with a way to educate through the end of April.
Schools have a choice of three different ways to proceed.
They can provide resources for learning, which might include something like posting a list of resources, and allow parents and children to use what they'd like from the list. This choice would be a more relaxed way of finishing the year. This doesn't require teachers to engage students and families, have office hours or require any other steps.
The last two means include a "Required" and a "Voluntary" option. Under the "Required" option, the school will find a way to provide continuous learning that requires academic work from students. This model might include online learning alone or online as well as paper packets. This would have to be approved by the Department of Education.
The third option is considered the "Voluntary" option. This might include paper packets, online instructions, teleconferences or other ways of communication where student participation would be voluntary and there would be no grading or credits awarded. The schools would need to engage with the students and require accountability of the teachers to document how they connected with students.
If schools choose either the Voluntary or Required option, they will NOT be required to make up days missed during the COVID-19 closures.
Vinton-Shellsburg is in the midst of coming up with a plan. "Based on the work our teachers and administrators have done, we may pursue doing the "voluntary" program for K-8 and the required program for 9-12. (Emphasis on the word "may" - it is hard to know until we see the requirements.) It is also possible to start as "voluntary" K-12 and submit a plan for "required" at a later time," said Superintendent Mary Jo Hainstock.
In the unchartered territory, schools are learning from each other on how best to proceed.
The school is, of course, focused on making sure that the high school students, especially the seniors, will receive the credits that they need to graduate as well as keeping the 9th-11th graders on track so that credits won't be an issue to them in their senior years.
The school has a devoted page for updates, which can be found here found here.
School Board Action - The school board had taken action at their last meeting so that support staff would continue to receive their pay through the original April 10 closure. The board will meet again on April 13 and the Superintendent will recommend that staff receive their full pay through April 30.
Job Assignments - Three weeks into the closure, it is expected that those who have continued because of their jobs will continue to do so, and it is possible that associates may be called on a bit more in the future to assist, either in preparing materials for students, delivery of the materials, or in other areas.
Meals - There are several pick-up points where the school has been providing the following day's breakfast and the current day's lunch for students. Students do not need to be present at the pick-up points as adults can pick them up for them. Adults can purchase meals for adults for $2 each, you need to have the correct change.
Pickup points are:Longview Trailer Park 11:20-11:30 a.m. South driveway, the trailer park is located on the west side of Vinton. Tilford Elementary - 11:30 am-12:30 pmVinton Park Apartments Driveway - 11:30-11:45 amVinton Public Library - 11:50 am-12:05 pmShellsburg Elementary - 11:30 am-12:00 pmTimber Ridge, Community Mailbox Area - 11:30 -11:45 amGarrison, Downtown, Near Old Library - 11:30 -11:45 am
To help determine how many meals to prepare, we ask that families call and leave a message to 319-436-5680 or email by 10:00 AM each day OR if you prefer, you can call just once on Monday to indicate which day or days you will utilize for the week. We want to know the number of meals and the meal pickup location. The food service staff and the bus drivers who are delivering the meals are demonstrating why they are rock stars!
Student Communication - Because of the school's "Acceptable Use Policy" that every staff member has signed, students should not be communicating on social media platforms such as "Messenger for Kids" with teachers or staff.
Questions - Everyone wants to know if we'll be back in school this year, the simple answer is, no one knows.
The state athletic, music and speech associations have announced that activities will not continue through the end of April.
School Superintendents have asked the governor to make her decisions that impact schools in a timely manner realizing that we won't have any definitive answers for a while.
Prom and Graduation - All this might seem a bit shallow to consider in the midst of this, but it is something that will be considered. As the May 2nd date approaches, it's a pretty good bet that Prom won't be happening on that date.
Graduation plans are up in the air as well. Dealing with a virus that fails to send its plans to the schools leaves everyone in a quandary. The Class of 2020 will definitely have a year to remember!
So while students might be out of sight, they aren't out of mind. Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.
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