Each day I hold my breath as I read the numbers coming in, especially scanning to see how Benton County is fairing in this pandemic. Cheering a little every time we get by another day without a new case, and groaning when we do have some.
Hoping against hope that somehow we have a giant bubble over our small corner of the world, yet realizing we don't. Doing only what I absolutely HAVE to do outside my door and ignoring the rest.
I almost feel bad that part of me enjoys this more sane pace of life. Not that I don't miss trying to figure out how to cover 3 different things at once, and figuring out how to do it, isn't fun, but having time to just regroup, and dare I say relax a little makes me feel guilty. I just hope it's not the lull before the storm.
With yellow police tape reading "Police Line Do Not Cross" strung across playgrounds, it's a stark reminder of the seriousness of the situation. It made me feel sad that the children, while home, can't enjoy time outside playing at the park. I also know that if you put a group of children together, well, they become Petri dishes and will share all of the cooties that we are all trying to avoid right now.
So folks, stay home as the governor has asked, your health isn't so good that you can't get sick. Listen, and be wise. Only go to the store when you absolutely HAVE to. Just because it's Monday or Friday or Saturday or your "regular" shopping day, doesn't mean you HAVE to go to the store. Now is the time to clean out the cupboards and use up all that food that you haven't before. The store isn't going anywhere, the trucks are still bringing load after load of food and supplies. And they will continue. NOW is the time to heed the governor's words and stay home.
Until we get through this, we will see more of these types of reminders. So, stay safe, and stay healthy!
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I am a born and raised Vintonian.. but have lived in Virginia for about 45 years. Your daily news reporting on the virus in IA from has been perfectly unbiased and unfilterd from the State of IA and local hospital. It has been very reassuring to get this information from you without filters. I wish all the news outlets would provide such great information, that we as citizens could hear and digest in our own minds as to where we REALLY are during this quarantine period.
And Thank you Iowans.. always,for the hometown values I have always been proud to have grown up with and passed on to my kids and grandkids.