On the list of things to do, don't forget to call iVinton...today! I think it's safe to say that the trucks are still in town, barely.

Residents have until May 8th to sign up for their site survey!

Remember the deal.

If you want to have your home ready to be hooked up to iVinton you need to call the office at 319-472-3255. Call and ask one of the ladies in the office to put your home down for a "Site Survey." The crews will then make an appointment to come to your property and see where it needs to be connected. If you called before but you haven't yet been connected you probably missed them, call again to choose another a time.

The trucks will be pulling out of town shortly to go and help someone else, and when they do, it's going to cost you to have them turn around and come back. It will cost so much that you will have to wait for another dozen of your friends in town say, "aw man, I should have had my house hooked up, can you call the trucks back?"

The best part of this deal is that if you call now it is FREE!

It's probably the last thing having to do with your house that will ever be FREE! This is the last chance that you have to have this done FREE!

I know if you are going to sell your home in the future, this will be one of the questions asked, "Did they get it hooked up to iVinton?" if you didn't I'd guess that the buyer will say, "Let's knock a few hundred dollars off so that we can get it hooked up!" and you are going to say, "Man, WHY didn't I CALL, it was FREE and now it cost me a few hundred dollars because I just didn't do it!"

I can't encourage you strongly enough to get this done. Again, it's a utility, just like water and electricity, and everyone, especially now, needs the internet.

So call today, tell them that you're tired of hearing about it on Vinton Today and that you want to get your home hooked up with some internet lines running to your home!

At last count, Vinton has a long way to go to reach the halfway point. Someone is going to be making a lot of money when the trucks have to turn around to get you connected.

There is no contract, no commitment, no cost and no good reason NOT to call today!



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