The Vinton-Shellsburg High School Band Department is proud to announce that two of its band students have been selected for and will be participating in the Iowa State University Honor Band on February 3-5. The following students will be attending: Nicholas Gardner (tenor saxophone) and James Yenser (trombone).

VSHS Band Director Karl Smith stated, “The students will get to work with the university professors and will get to see the university campus.” Smith continued by saying, “The students in the past have really had a lot of fun at this honor band, especially since the students are playing collegiate level literature with the best band students from over 60 schools from across the state of Iowa.”

Participating students audition for chair placement and rehearse with musical directors who are well known and respected. Participating students also attend clinics with university professors and staff. The students will perform their concert on Saturday, February 5, at 3 C.Y. Stephens Auditorium. The concert will be conducted by Dr. Bruce Moss, director of bands at Bowling Green State University and Dr. Melvin Miles, director of bands at Morgan State University.


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c January 29, 2011, 12:42 am we wish them all the luck and are proud of the 2 young men representing VSHS. Keep up the great work!