By: Co-Reporter, Annabelle Newton

On September 17, the Vinton-Shellsburg FFA Chapter held their annual Local Greenhand Fire-Up Night at the Vinton-Shellsburg High School. This is open to any Greenhand, which is a first year member in the FFA chapter. Greenhand night welcomes new members to the chapter, while also showing them the ropes of FFA. Seven Greenhands began the night by doing a get to know each other ice breaker. The Greenhands then rotated through four different stations that were run by the chapter's officer team. The four stations included agvocacy, official dress, trust exercises, and personality tests. Participant Rachel Rollinger said, "Greenhand night was a fun way to get to know everyone. It really showed me that FFA is one big, fun, family!" This was a great event to begin the year for the Vinton-Shellsburg FFA Chapter and showed that the future of agriculture holds a lot of promise!

Participants pictured left to right. Front Row: Matthew Bookmeier, Emma Wiley, Sammie Lundvall, Rachel Rollinger, and Owen Mullinex. Middle Row: Bailey Weeks and Christopher Fleming. Back Row: Alana Fleming, Maren Redlinger, Annabelle Newton, Ethan Rollinger, Ty Lillibridge, Jacob Kisner, Eli Powers, and Aydan Smith.

Members learn about the pieces that make up official dress, as well as its importance in the FFA organization, from Bailey Weeks and Annabelle Newton.


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