Tonight we share a post we never thought we'd have to.

When we started Better Together, it was important for us to remain in the community we've grown up in and love. We love our sense of togetherness and the way our neighbors watch out for us the same way we watch out for them.

We're simply saddened to report that our neighbors and friends have notified us multiple times in the last two weeks that some of the donations left at our door are being stolen. We currently check our door for items 5 times per day, but sadly, that's not enough.

As you all know, we rely on your donations; whether it's cans to go towards our vetting expenses, litter to fill our boxes or food to fill our bowls, they allow us to continue our mission. We are currently looking into secure drop off possibilities, but until then we kindly ask for your assistance. Until otherwise posted, please feel free to bring your donations to the door Monday - Friday, 5:30-7:00 when we are there or message us to make an appointment.

We hope this doesn't defer anyone from bringing your items as we appreciate each and every item we receive. We wanted to believe in the good of people, but we're willing to be inconvenienced if it means helping our pets.

We appreciate those that notified us of the wrongdoings they witnessed and for standing up for us and the animals. Our goal is to never share news of this sort again, as we know there are far too many good people, like you all, supporting us.


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