Twenty Vinton area leaders will spend the next several months working on a plan that will affect the changes in Vinton for years to come.

The plan will take into account the city’s needs in the areas of industry, retail, education, housing and infrastructure. It will also prioritize projects and list a target date for completing specific items.

The committee will include city leaders as well as leaders from Benton County and the Vinton-Shellsburg School District.

Committee members will include Planning and Zoning members Don Weideman, Joyce Calvert, Dean Luze, John Scherbring, Scott Tharp, Kathy Tranel, and Nancy Scott.

Vinton Unlimited Director Nathan Hesson will participate. Don Eells will focus on economic development. Mike Elwick will work with development as well as the Vinton Municipal Electrical Utility. Jeff Peteson will represent the banking industry as well as the Vinton library and Parks and Recreation Department.

City participants include Mayor John Watson, City Council Member Bud Maynard and City Coordinator Andy Lent. School district participants will include School Board President Pat Lyons and Superintendent Mary Jo Hainstock. Either Todd Wiley or Wayne Siela will represent farmers on the committee. Benton County Emergency Management Agency Director Scott Hansen will also participate. Resident participants include Ann Jorgensen and Frank Van Steenhuyse.

The committee has not yet scheduled its first meeting. A federal grant will pay half of the cost – up to $11,365. The East Central Iowa Council of Governments (ECICOG) will help with the preparation of the plan. The city council approved the contract with ECICOG during its meeting Thursday.

Click HERE to see a description of the plan by Vinton City Coordinator Andy Lent.


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MO February 11, 2011, 2:52 pm Very odd not see any representation from the hospital or healthcare field on this committee.
nn February 11, 2011, 9:27 pm whare is the input from the braillle school? it\'s still there campus shouldn\'t they have some input??
mC February 12, 2011, 3:01 pm what ever happened to FREE SPEECH mr. close